SparkFun GPS-RTK Board

Before I place the order for SparkFun GPS-RTK Board, I would like to know if SparkFun GPS-RTK Board supports non-Arduino development tools? if yes, what that is please?

The reason is, I would like to use a BLE board to access the SparkFun GPS-RTK Board and transmit it to a smart-phone. Some of the BLE, for instance, Nordic nRF52xxxx may use their nRF SDK. Any advise, please?

To the best of my knowledge, the ZED-F9P and NEO-M8P are not user-programmable microcontrollers. Highly configurable yes; user-programmable, no. They have lots of communication ports and you can pair them up with any microcontroller and tool chain you prefer. … _Sheet.pdf


JohnPilgrim is correct. They are highly configurable but they are not microcontrollers. I would also suggest that you check out Ublox (original chip manufacturer) for more resources such as U-center.