I sent my students to look at the components for the Sparkfun inventor kit 4.1 and they listed several items that have not been in the kit in the past (the flex sensor and softpot) and told me they couldn’t find the ultrasonic distance sensor. I looked at the webpage:
and it does indeed have these other sensors although the picture is still of the 4.1 kit that is on this page with the redboard that has the distance sensor: SparkFun Inventor's Kit - v4.1.2
Can someone tell me if the kit with the Arduino Uno is really a completely different kit now? It wasn’t last Fall and is still listed as the same kit on Amazon.
All of the versions should have an ultrasonic sensor, the description for the 4.1.2 is missing that item from its list though (we’ll get this fixed)
Contact support from whichever vendor it was bought from and they should be able to send out a replacement sensor
Thanks. It is not that anyone is missing a sensor it is that the information on the page is wrong with many wrong parts listed. I use the page to have students understand the sensors they have so right now I have a lot of confused students.
Also, for sometime now, this kit is sometimes shipped with the wrong USB cable. It would be great if that could be corrected. I end up trading cables with several students every semester.
I think it got mis-imprted when we changed the site over, I’ll get the good folks to get it fixed up shortly! Appreciate the heads-up
As for cables…which ones are you receiving?
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They are sometimes shipped with a USB mini cable (like the redboard takes) rather than a USB B that the Arduino Uno board takes. I have a couple students each semester with this issue if they bought the kit with the Arduino Board. I do tell them to reach back to Sparkfun, but usually need to lend them cables until they get it sorted.