Recently ordered a QuickLogic Thing in hopes of using it on a project, but have run into an issue. As best I can tell, the board is dead for some reason, and has been since I got it. On plugging it in to USB, regardless of source, the RGB LED lights up bright white then fades off, followed by the charge LED momentarily blinking. After that, the board displays no signs of life if the reset button is pressed. Using a JLink Edu Mini, I can confirm the CPU starts, but attempting to load qf_loadflash.bin doesn’t fix it, it downloads successfully, but on reset and start it does nothing. Ozone Debugger says it hardfaults, but I’m not certain of the cause.
It has also never shown up as a USB device, regardless of device. I haven’t tested it on Windows, only Linux, but I don’t think that would be the issue.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I’m hoping it’s not completely dead and can be recovered, because it’ll take a week or more to get a replacement shipped.