Starting first with AT91SAM7-P64-A - SAM-BA does not connect

Hello experts,

I am a newbe and proud owner of the olimex developer board AT91SAM7-P64-A with AT91SAM7S64-Chip.

I have a XP, an USB-cable and the Board.

Believing the ATMEL-Introduction

of the SAM-BA application, I have following to do in order to upload a

test-file into the controller: execute the SAM-BA-Boot procedure (

  1. Power down the AT91SAM7-P64

  2. Close the Jumper2 named TST

  3. Power up the AT91SAM7-P64

  4. Wait 10s

  5. Power down the AT91SAM7-P64

  6. Remove the Jumper2 named TST

  7. Power up the AT91SAM7-P64,

connect the PC with the USB-Connector of the target and start SAM-BA V1.7. I selected a Test-File (the USB-Device-bin), (leave the COM1 parameter unthouched).

Then i click USB-Connection and SAM-BA should detect the Board automaticaly.

SAM-BA shows the Error-Message ‘-E- DEVICE NOT FOUND on USB !’.

Is my Board defect?

I also tried to connect the bard via the JTEG<->Parallel-Port - cable, and insert ‘LPT1’ instead of

‘COM1’ (I actually have no COM-Port on my PC) - It doen’t work too.

My Board has the 18342-Quarz, so USB should work. While inserting the

Board on USB, Windows detects the Board as ‘atm6124.Sys.ATMEL AT91xxxx Test Board’.

Makes it a difference if I use an external 6V or only the USB-Cable-Voltage? I did do the recovery-procedure by using the

external power supply, without connected USB-Cable.

Do I need a special JTEG-USB (ICE or so…)?

The Documentations could be longer with more information with a

‘Step-by-Step’ Introduction for the eager newbie!

Could anybody help me?

(BTW: SAM-Proc also not connects!)


check your crystal frequency.

the very first batch of SAM7-P64 was assembled with 12Mhz crystals, which will not allow SAM-BA through USB port

now we ship SAM7-P64 with 18.432Mhz which allow USB SAM-BA-ing


Thank you for Your fast reply - My Crystal has 18.432Mhz - it’s writen on the

Crystal - so USB should work. But SAM-BA does NOT detect the SAM-Application (‘-E- DEVICE NOT FOUND on USB !’).

Every time, I plug in the USB-Cable of the SAM7-P64 with the Windows-PC-

USB-Port, Windows detect the ‘atm6124.Sys.ATMEL AT91xxxx Test Board’

and WANT’S to install a new device-driver. I installed SAM-BA and so I

assume that I should cancel the MessageWindow.

  1. Do I need a special USB-Driver with is NOT delivered by the

SAM-BA-installation-Procedure? Or is XP-stuff enough?


I checked out the ‘ARM JTAG connector’ for LPT1 - SAM-BA seems not

to support LPT1 - only serial(I don’t have this kind of interface yet and no JTAG-Serial-Cable - should I buy a RS232-Interface-Card) and USB (which is not running).

Does the SAM-BA only work witch SAM-ICE??? This ist not clear - I suppose not. Actually I really use only a normal USB-Cable witch does

not work.

Does exist a third-party - free - tool for SAM7-P64 ‘Flash - Programming’ ? (JTAG - LPT1 - Wigglers 20-pin). All Tools I found are not able to Flash or does not work or are to expensive.


the reason was, that atm6124.sys was not installed by windows

correctly. After installing SAM-BA does connect and is able to

program the flash via a ordinary A-to-B USB cable.

By, Urmel