Himax sensor product page does not have a pinout … so I was looking at Edge github repo :
https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_Ed … P/Hardware [1]
https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_Ed … _Edge2.pdf [2]<= Himax sensor
Below is OV7670 (Edge board), Himax (Edge2 board?) pinouts according to schematics of the 2 above links
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1, GND, SDA, AVDD, SCL, RST*, VSYNC, PWDN*, HREF, DVDD, IOVDD, D7, XCLK, D6, GND, D5, PCLK, D4, D0, D3, D1, D2, 23, 44
1, GND, D1, AVDD, D3, VSYNC, TRIG, MCLK, D2, 1.8V, VDD, D4, D7, D0, GND, HSYNC, PCLK, INT, D6, D5, SCL,SDA, 23, 24
-OV7670 has AVDD 3.3V, IOVDD 3.3V, DVDD 1.8V (RST is pulled up to 1.8V, PWDN pulled down to GND)
-HIMAX has AVDD/IOVDD 1.8V, DVDD XXX ??? according to Edge2
Now, according to Himax datasheet NEOPAC version has : AVDD 2.8V, IODVD 1.8/2.8V, DVDD 1.5V, depending on supply configured as Single/Dual/Triple supply …
Single supply 2.8V : AVDD=2.8 DVDD=2.8 IODVDD=2.8V, 3 caps
Dual Supply 2.8/1.8V : AVDD=2.8 DVDD=??? IODVDD=1.8V, 3 caps
Triple Supply 2.8/1.8/1.5 : AVDD=2.8 DVDD=1.5 IODVDD=1.8V, 4 caps
Single power supply is 2.8V according to datasheed (v5) BUT edge 2 has sinlge 1.8V, ???
if IODVDD is 2.8/1.8V do I need a level shifter or just works??
I have a very early Edge board (was meant to be used with ov7670 which never released from sparkfun). How could I use Himax senor with my board, since the 2 pinouts are incompatible ?? What happened to Edge2 ? Is it just the new version of current Edge?
Could you please reply at the (question mark ?) points?