Status of camera support

Himax sensor product page does not have a pinout … so I was looking at Edge github repo : … P/Hardware [1] … _Edge2.pdf [2]<= Himax sensor

Below is OV7670 (Edge board), Himax (Edge2 board?) pinouts according to schematics of the 2 above links

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

1, GND, SDA, AVDD, SCL, RST*, VSYNC, PWDN*, HREF, DVDD, IOVDD, D7, XCLK, D6, GND, D5, PCLK, D4, D0, D3, D1, D2, 23, 44

1, GND, D1, AVDD, D3, VSYNC, TRIG, MCLK, D2, 1.8V, VDD, D4, D7, D0, GND, HSYNC, PCLK, INT, D6, D5, SCL,SDA, 23, 24

-OV7670 has AVDD 3.3V, IOVDD 3.3V, DVDD 1.8V (RST is pulled up to 1.8V, PWDN pulled down to GND)

-HIMAX has AVDD/IOVDD 1.8V, DVDD XXX ??? according to Edge2

Now, according to Himax datasheet NEOPAC version has : AVDD 2.8V, IODVD 1.8/2.8V, DVDD 1.5V, depending on supply configured as Single/Dual/Triple supply …

Single supply 2.8V : AVDD=2.8 DVDD=2.8 IODVDD=2.8V, 3 caps

Dual Supply 2.8/1.8V : AVDD=2.8 DVDD=??? IODVDD=1.8V, 3 caps

Triple Supply 2.8/1.8/1.5 : AVDD=2.8 DVDD=1.5 IODVDD=1.8V, 4 caps

Single power supply is 2.8V according to datasheed (v5) BUT edge 2 has sinlge 1.8V, ???

if IODVDD is 2.8/1.8V do I need a level shifter or just works??

I have a very early Edge board (was meant to be used with ov7670 which never released from sparkfun). How could I use Himax senor with my board, since the 2 pinouts are incompatible ?? What happened to Edge2 ? Is it just the new version of current Edge?

Could you please reply at the (question mark ?) points?

Here’s the short answer. More detail in a moment.

Edge works with HM01B0 - though Edge was originally meant for OV7670 HiMax offered to adopt the pinout that we needed to make it work on the original Edge. Since that was an option and the HM01BO was much more of a modern sensor we went with it. There may be conflicting information on the schematic still.

Edge 2 does not exist anymore - it was meant to be an improvement of the Edge using the Artemis module and featuring power switching for the onboard sensors (as well as digital microphones). It was cancelled because we discovered an issue with the pins that we chose to connect to the camera connector - they did not support a required peripheral. So the Edge2 works in every other regard but it is not offered on our site any more. It is still supported in the Arduino package for those who already have it.

We are considering a replacement for the Edge / Edge2 boards once we complete BLE support

I want to use the Himax HM01B0 image sensor you are selling with my own microcontroller, MSP430. I am also looking for the pin map of those 24 pins of HM01B0 but did not find it anywhere on the product website

Could you please tell me for the HM01B0 camera sensor that you are selling, which pin in the HM01B0 chip is which pin in the 24-pin ribbon cable? ??

Hi everyone.

Sorry, documentation from Himax has been less than usual for this part because it is so new. We have had to work through the same issues.

I can confirm the functional pin mapping as:

Camera FPC Pin: Function: Description

1: No connect (NC)

2: GND: Ground reference voltage

3: D1: Data bus bit 1

4: VDD: 3.3V supply

5: D3: Data bus bit 3

6: VSYNC: Frame sync vertical

7: TRIG: Input to trigger captures in advanced modes

8: MCLK: Master clock input - need to generate at least 4 MHz square wave on this pin

9: D2: Data bus bit 2

10: 1.8V: Lower level supply voltage

11: VDD: 3.3V supply

12: D4: Data bus bit 4

13: D7: Data bus bit 7

14: D0: Data bus bit 0

15: GND: Ground reference voltage

16: HSYNC: Frame sync horizontal

17: PCLK: Pixel clock (tells you when to sample data lines)

18: INT: Interrupt output

19: D6: Data bus bit 6

20: D5: Data bus bit 5

21: SCL: I2C clock

22: SDA: I2C data

23: NC

24: NC

Here are some places where you can look for software drivers: … rty/hm01b0 … inoLibrary

Hey, Thanks for the pin map information. It is very helpful. I have one more question. On the datasheet of HM01B0, there are three options of typical application circuit: Triple supply(2.8V, 1.8V, 1.5V)/Dual supply(2.8V, 1.8V)/Single supply(2.8V). Based on the pin map, I assume the HM01B0 sensor module that SparkFun is selling is a Dual supply design. In the datasheet, the difference between Dual supply and Single supply is quite simple. They just directly replace the 1.8V with a 2.8V, without adding any extra components. So, I am wondering for the HM01B0 sensor module you are selling, can I directly feed a 2.8V to the 1.8V pin (e.g. pin10)?