Stepper speed control using - SparkFun ProDriver - Stepper Motor Driver (TC78H670FTG)

Hi guys

OK, I am new here (and in the UK) and just cutting my teeth on the whole microprocessor/Arduino/Sparkfun thing :smiley: .

I have a little project on at he moment needing some basic stepper motor control. So, rather than jumping right in at the deep end with the A4988 or ideally the TMC 2208 drivers I went with the ‘SparkFun ProDriver - Stepper Motor Driver (TC78H670FTG)’ ROB-16836 ( Working through the examples a in the library and looking the command options I think I have a basic grasp on how to do what I require…well with the exception of speed control?

I gather that the speed og the steeper motor is controlled by the pulse speed(?) and crudely the speed of say 200 steps could be controlled by slowing the signal pulse (??). However, I cannot find or figure out where if any :roll: stepper speed control there is in the Pro Driver library . Any help, assistance, guidance and or example code would be greatly appreciated.



Sort of…you can either change the Step size … roStep.ino and/or add in delays as it is stepping…but there isn’t a pre-defined example for it