sunny buddy problems


producst in my sitem

celullar shiedl by sparkfun

weather shield by sparkfun

sunny buddy by sparkfun






THESE son Items I’m using for my meteorological station.

The real problems arise when food itself The Celullar shield From sunny companion (I mention the food support part Celullar shield).

WHEN connect a sun Falla travez friend, is not stable Never connect the GPRS, but if you connect La Pila Directly jala fine, clear This not work because I would never be charging the battery.

I want to know why this happens, that many had problems with sunny colleague because not I charge the battery efficiently.

The stack is a (lipo 3.7v 6000mAh)

I have my working system.

I tired Correct Things miles Sparkfun gives overlooked.

I had to correct Bookstore cullular with shield to work (Arduino Mega), I had to modify the hardwarepara which will pull Similarly with (Arduino Mega), I had to correct Bookstore (phant) to Postera on the server (data

And the truth is that more will correct, but I want to continue no longer correcting things, no please help me saber because first uncharged look Stack sunny partner in Second it does not work well the Celullar protection when connected with the sun companion.

URGE please.

Google Translator has a hard time understanding what you write. Sorry, I can’t make sense out of this. What is your native language? Maybe someone can do a better human translation.

Try posting on the spanish (Espanol) section of the Arduino forum: