The example is not working. help. … wLjA.&_ga=

I’m trying to do Example0 on this link.

I bought a ‘spark fun SARA-R4’ board and am using it. I’m running it on Arduino as I said I bought it on the site, but there’s a problem. I uploaded the code

Initializing the LTE Shield…

…this may take ~25 seconds if the shield is off.

…it may take ~5 seconds if it just turned on.

This one works fine on the serial monitor, but it’s been 30 minutes since then and no text has been printed out. The chords are

SerialMonitor.println(F(“Initializing the LTE Shield…”));

SerialMonitor.println(F(“…this may take ~25 seconds if the shield is off.”));

SerialMonitor.println(F(“…it may take ~5 seconds if it just turned on.”));

// // Call lte.begin and pass it your Serial/SoftwareSerial object to

// // communicate with the LTE Shield.

// // Note: If you’re using an Arduino with a dedicated hardware serial

// // port, you may instead slide “Serial” into this begin call.

if ( lte.begin(LTEShieldSerial, 9600) ) {

SerialMonitor.println(F(“LTE Shield connected!\r\n”));

} } else {

SerialMonitor.println(“Unable to initialize the shield.”);

while(1) ;


It looks like this.

I think at least LTE Shield connected! or Disable to initialize the shield. I think either of these should be output, but no text is outputting. I think I connected it to Arduino properly. The red LED is coming out.

lte.begin(LTEShieldSerial, 9600); <<I feel like I’m in an infinite loop here.


while (!SerialMonitor) ; // For boards with built-in USB

SerialMonitor.println(F(“Initializing the LTE Shield…”));

SerialMonitor.println(F(“…this may take ~25 seconds if the shield is off.”));

SerialMonitor.println(F(“…it may take ~5 seconds if it just turned on.”));

SerialMonitor.println(F(“…before lte bgein may take ~5 seconds if it just turned on.”));

// Call lte.begin and pass it your Serial/SoftwareSerial object to

// communicate with the LTE Shield.

// Note: If you’re using an Arduino with a dedicated hardware serial

// port, you may instead slide “Serial” into this begin call.

lte.begin(LTEShieldSerial, 9600);

SerialMonitor.println(F(“…after lte bgein may take ~5 seconds if it just turned on.”));

if ( lte.begin(LTEShieldSerial, 9600) ) {

SerialMonitor.println(F(“LTE Shield connected!\r\n”));

} else {

SerialMonitor.println(F(“Unable to initialize the shield.\r\n”));

while(1) ;


Changed the first part of the code. So I checked if this part “lte.begin(LTESShieldSerial, 9600);” works normally.

As a result of changing the code, the serial monitor shows that


Initializing the LTE Shield…

…this may take ~25 seconds if the shield is off.

…it may take ~5 seconds if it just turned on.

…before lte bgein may take ~5 seconds if it just turned on.


The output is only up to here.

If normally lte.If the Begin(LTESShieldSerial, 9600) worked


…after lte bgein may take ~5 seconds if it just turned on.


It should have been printed on the serial monitor including this part, but if you look at it not, lte.There seems to be a problem with Begin (LTESShieldSerial, 9600).