Thing Plus Xbee3 Not Found, No Bootloader

So, I was programming my Thing Plus Xbee3 in micropython using PyCharm (for the past 2 days, with no issues), when it stopped responding to downloads, and can’t be found. However, I can see that the last program it received is running ( by the led that it controls) even after a power cycle. I finally went after it with XCTU. XCTU says there is no Bootloader. My next thought is to try reinstalling the Bootloader. Is there documentation on how to install the Bootloader?

Thanks, Paul

Hi Paul.

We don’t have any documentation on this and haven’t run into this situation before. There is a recovery tool in XCTU that might be able to install the bootloader alongside the firmware but I’m only guessing at that. Not positive but I think you would select XB3-24 as the product family in XCTU.

You might check on [Digi’s forum, if an answer isn’t already there, they can probably point you to a resource that will get you going.](Digi Technical Support Forums)

Thank you for the quick response. I will go through the XCTU Docs.

Thanks, Paul

Was not able to recover the XBee3. However, I believe it was my fault. I think when I was using XCTU the first time, I tried to recover to the wrong XBee3 type and killed the boot loader / confused the Xbee3 beyond all hope of recovery. I believe this because, I had the same thing happen again, where PyCharm was working just fine programming another XBee3, and then could not find the device. I used XCTU and started making changes to the Radio Configuration. Finally, I found that changing API mode from MicroPython REPL[4] to API Mode[1], allowed PyCharm to discover the device. PyCharm changed the API back to MicroPython REPL[4], and I have not had a problem yet. Lesson learned, again. Always know exactly what you are doing.

Glad you got it working and the experience has taught you something you can add to your “tool kit” in case something like this happens later on. I’d call that a win! :slight_smile: