Tiny AVR Programmer PGM-11801 no ttyUSB0 port in Arduino IDE

I am trying to use a Tiny AVR Programmer PGM-11801 on Ubuntu Linux 20.04. After a lot of searching and tinkering, I finally got a udef rule to give me a /dev/ttyUSB0 but the Arduino IDE (version 1.8.19) does not give the option to select the ttyUSB0 port, it only sees ttyS0 which is some built-in serial port.

I can plug in other arduino devices (and off-brand clones) and the Arduino IDE gives me the option to select ttyUSB0 with no problem.

I have tried all the basic stuff:

  • - I logged off/on, rebooted
  • - unplugged/plugged the Tiny AVR Programmer
  • - tried it with the Arduino IDE before/after plugging
  • - tried different USB ports
  • - I am using a port directly on the computer not on a USB hub
  • - I am in the dialout group
  • - The port has read-write permissions for everyone and is owned by root:dialout
  • I’m not sure what else to try at this point.

    The programmer isn’t a serial device, it won’t get assigned a COM port.

    Ok, then what port do I select in Arduino IDE?

    There is no port to select, see the link below for instruction.

    https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/ti … in-arduino

    avrdude: Expected signature for ATtiny45 is 1E 92 06

    Double check chip, or use -F to override this check.

    Wrong microcontroller found. Did you select the right board from the Tools > Board menu?

    This is what I have selected in the IDE:

    Board: “ATtiny25/45/85”

    Processor: “ATtiny45”

    Clock: “Internal 1MHz”

    Programmer: “USBtinyISP”

    Note: the options don’t look the same as the tutorial anymore but I tried to chose the same things

    Good Mornig!

    The problem was resolved by the Arduino Team on their forum. The new IDE 2.0-rc6 and earlier have a bug that will not allow uploading with a port selected and the Tiny Programmer does not have a port! The work around is to use “Upload Using Programmer” in the Sketch Menu. I have tried this and it works. The drive loaded by ZADIG works fine, I have always bee able to use the programmer with IDE 1.6 up to current 1.8.19. But now with 2.0-rc6 and the work around I no longer need to use 1.8.19. I hope this helps
