Hi, can someone please guide me if Sparkfun’s transparent graphical OLED (https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15173) compatible with Arduino UNO or raspberry pi 3? I would also appreciate if someone could also provide a sample code and circuitry to display and if it is not possible I would appreciate if someone could guide me what platform would I have to use along with it’s sample code and circuitry. Thanks in advance.
The quick answer is that you can use both. This board uses an I2C protocol. Both Arduino, or better yet our [RedBoards, and Raspberry Pi have these ports.
To get started please visit the hookup guide for this product: [here.
As far as equipment goes, I would suggest using our Qwiic connectors with a Qwiic Micro Development Board:
Those should help you get started. Thank you and have a great day.](https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/transparent-graphical-oled-breakout-hookup-guide?_ga=2.218253849.1003182432.1578944325-2114068872.1578439588)](https://www.sparkfun.com/search/results?term=redboard&tab=products)