Trouble provisioning IOT Starter Kit

Hi Guys,

I am new to this world and I am trying to provision a new wifi board to use with the Blynk app. However, when I try to submit the wifi details it’s rejecting the tokens that the Blynk app is providing.

The error message is:

‘Match the requested Format’ for the token.

Has anyone experienced the same issue? I have tried to provision the wifi settings through the laptop and via the smartphone.



can you share you sketch/code ?

Hi RP,

That is an error I’ve never seen before with the Blynk app. What is the RGB LED on your Blynk Board doing when the error pops up? Are you connecting to a personal WiFi Network or possibly a school/business network? Have you tried it on multiple WiFi networks (if possible)? [This quick guide might also have some troubleshooting tips for figuring out this issue but it might be an issue with the Blynk app. I’ll try and do some more digging in the meantime to see if others are reporting this issue but a quick search did not turn up anything immediately. It might just be a small glitch/bug with the app and either restarting, updating, re-installing it or simply waiting a bit might fix it as I have seen minor issues like this be fixed after a short amount of time or an update to the app.](

Thanks for all the advice.

The led light does change to show the phone has connected (eg away from the 4 x color rotation and one static color).

I tried it with our school network and home. The App had just reinstalled, but I will try that again tonight. My initial research showed a possible issue with copy and pasting the token.

Will check back in tonight once I have a chance to reinstall the app a second time and will also type the token in and avoid pasting to see if that’s causing an issue.



Thanks for the advice.

I have tried multiple wifi’s and approaches. However, I will reinstall the app tonight and try some other devices.

From my initial research there may be an issue when copying and pasting the token so I will also type the code in. The led does change from the 4 x patterned rotation to a single color and shows the device is connecting to the wifi. However, the Spark automated process hangs and when I try to manually provision the device I get the classic token rejection due to formatting.

I will have another go when home tonight.


Thanks for providing the information on your setup here. It sounds like it might be a problem with the app or, like you have found, possibly copy-pasting the token code is not working properly. Manually typing the token in might fix it. Also, one quick note about school WiFi networks. If your network requires you to sign in with a specific login ID (eg. not normal WEP/WPA credentials for the network name and password) or going through a web portal, you are most likely not going to be able to use many IoT development platforms like the Blynk Board on that network since you cannot sign into the network using the standard login credentials (SID and Password).

Hopefully, either re-installing or manually typing the token key fixes the issue but if not, let us know and we can troubleshoot further.

Thanks for the ideas. I did initially try it on our school network, which as you say has additional security with Cisco Meraki etc.

However, I also tried at home and sadly still have the same issue. The automated (scripted) process with Sparkfun and Blynk hangs and when I manually force the process the “format” is still rejected even when I manually enter it.

I am now thinking of resetting the Sparkfun. Would that wipe any embedded programs that would undermine future projects?

I have also tried reinstalling the Blynk app.

Any other ideas appreciated.


Hmm…I tried searching for this error on the [Blynk Community Forums and could not find anything mentioning “‘Match the requested Format’ for the token.” so I am still not sure what would be going on here. I did find [this post that does have some helpful troubleshooting that might provide some more information. One good suggestion I found was entering your Auth Token on [this URL where it says “enter_token_here” in the URL and let me know what it reports.](](NodeMcu-Invalid auth token - Solved - Blynk Community)](

I’m having the same error: “Please match requested format” on all four browsers on phone and laptop. Not sure where to go from here… were you able to eventually fix?

