Trouble Reading RFID Tags with SRTR

I bought the SparkFun Simultaneous RFID Tag Reader (SEN-14066, I am trying to get it to read these UHF RFID tags: … 5/18876277. However, when I upload an Example Project (Costant Read, for example), it gets stuck on scanning for tags and never picks them up. Why does this happen? If it’s not possible to scan these tags with this reader, could you point me in the direction of a reader that could? What tags can this reader read? Is it only the EPC Gen 2 tags?

Also, how what connector would I need to connect the Simultaneous RFID Tag Reader to the UHF RFID Antenna (WRL-1413, Thanks for your help.

You need a special antenna like one of these:

which unfortunately sparkfun no longer carries. :cry:

Would this Antenna work?

No but this should.

Is there any reason why? What is it about Sparkfun’s discontinued antenna makes it possible to read the UHF tags I have?

You need an antenna that focuses the energy on a small point. The other antennas send their energy in a broad beam. This should do the job, it’s essentially the same thing as sparkfuns retired antenna.