Tsunami Super WAV Trigger MIDI OUT


I can’t find any information about the MIDI OUT port on the Tsunami super WAV Trigger board.
I thought it was probably a MIDI THRU port but it doesn’t seem to be the case. I soldered two MIDI sockets and while the MIDI IN works as it should, nothing seems to come out of the MIDI OUT connector. I also used the trigger inputs to see if that would generate any MIDI message but nothing happened. Is there any information anywhere about this ghost connector :slight_smile: ? It would really make my next project easier if I could pass MIDI through the Tsunami (dedicate a channel for the Tsunami and use other channels for other devices further down the line).

Any help is welcome.
Thank you in advance

P.S. : The wiring seems ok, even though I don’t know why there are 3 wires for the MIDI OUT. I thought there were always only two pins used in a MIDI DIN connector…

Check out the manual here and hookup guide here

The 3 output are 5v, GND, and TX for OUT if I recall correctly (similar to this Turn the Rock Band 3 keyboard into a sampling instrument with the WAV Trigger — Robertsonics where the board is being used as a MIDI player/RX and outputting the sounds when the keyboard MIDI sends a signal)


Yes, I remembered later that while the MIDI IN is left floating, the MIDI OUT is grounded and that’s what the third pin is for. But even before I knew what it was for, I connected all three pins to the MIDI socket. And yes, I checked the manual, thank you :slight_smile: But it doesn’t mention the MIDI OUT anywhere nor does the hookup guide or any tutorial I could find. To reiterate and summarize my question : What does the MIDI OUT do on the Tsunami? I plugged it on my computer and opened a MIDI monitor and it doesn’t seem to do anything (neither repeating the input like a MIDI THRU, neither converting the triggers into MIDI messages). Is it possible that it was put on the PCB but never implemented? It would be great if it was a MIDI THRU and there was a mistake of some sort you could point me to :slight_smile:


P.S. : The example you gave was about a MIDI IN which works perfectly as intended on the Tsunami.

They should def be connected https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/f/d/8/2/1/SparkFun_Tsunami_Qwiic_SCHEMATIC-v21.pdf

You have to use to robertsonics’ configurator and set them as “level trigger”

What « they »? What are you talking about? :slight_smile:
I wish I could use your quote and just read the freaking manual but unless you make a hidden chapter suddenly appear, my question remains unanswered : what does the MIDI OUT do? The DIN connector has been correctly wired from the start and yet it doesn’t output anything.

…The MIDI out pins…shown in the schematic linked.

It doesn’t DO anything via MIDI until you tell it to via the configurator/settings