uDrive for mass FAT storage

Sparkfun already sells the uDrive, but there is an exciting (free) update for this device that enables FAT file access. Now you can read or write files from any micro that can talk serial, and then move the files to and from a PC!

I’ve written up a “how to” at http://www.instructables.com/id/Simple- … ler-proje/

There are only 5 commands - Read, Write, Erase, Dir and Initialise.

Perhaps the description for this product could be updated?

Also, as part of this project I created a schematic and a board design in Eagle for the uDrive to RS232 adaptor. If anyone is interested I could post this. There is some new supplied software that enables testing of the FAT commands, and also testing of the older Raw commands, and it might be handy to get the uDrive working via a PC serial terminal before putting it into a project.