USB explorer xbee modem problem "unable to identify modem"

Hi dear valued sparkfun and it’s customers.

I bought an usb explorer for xbee and 2x 1mw chip antenna xbee, 1x 60mw and 1x 2mw.

But I had a problem while I am connecting it to the computer. I tried all the baudrates and API settings. But I got the error below;

Communication with modem… OK.

Modem type = Name unknown (ID:****number goes here)

Modem firmware version=

but within the API not enable, there is an error:

Unable to communicate with modem

I checked the forums about the people who has the same problem. But there is no exact solved problem for this error. Could someone share me his/her experiances, if they faced with the same problem.

thanks and best regards.

Since you have tried what I would suggest my next suggestion is to carefully check the USB breakout board for poor solder joints and check that all the components look to be the correct ones. Next is to call or email SparkFun’s tech support.