Using SparkFun LTE CAT M1/NB-IoT Shield with ESP8266 Thing or Pi Zero W as WiFi access point/tether


I purchased SparkFun LTE CAT M1/NB-IoT Shield with Hologram Sim card.

I am wondering how can I set up an access point or hotspot or tether with this thing?

The idea, which I think is pretty common, is to make a hotspot for other IoT devices (ESP8266 based, but I don’t think it matters), so they can connect to the Internet through this cell access point.

I was thinking of either connecting Shield to Raspberry Pi Zero W, or ESP8266 Thing.

I found a tutorial on how to create an access point with Pi from your friends at Adafruit: … t?view=all

but they connect to Ethernet cable on the back end. I want to connect to SparkFun LTE CAT M1/NB-IoT Shield on the back end.

How can i do this?

Sadly we don’t have directions on how to convert the LTE CAT M1/NB-IoT Shield into a WiFi access point, but you probably could do that by connecting it via USB to a Pi. Hologram makes a [cellular modem that’s based on the same SARA-R4 module our shield uses so it should be possible to do given the right connections and software.

Unfortunately we can’t assist in building such a device since that’s outside the scope of what the shield is intended to do, but if you’re able to figure it out, please report back as I’m sure a lot of folks would like to know how to make that work!](

Thank you for response. So now I am trying to connect LTE CAT M1/NB-IoT Shield to Raspberry Pi Zero W. Are there instructions on how to do this? I closed VUSB_DET jumper per instructions. However, when I plug board in USB port of Raspberry PI, nothing happens. Do I need to install additional software?

Sadly we didn’t design the LTE shield to be used this way and don’t have a guide to help you set it up. I’m fairly certain it could be made to work but we can’t assist you in setting that up.

Hello, any updates on this one? It states in your sell page that it can connect and provide internet access for your raspberry pi or any other device (using the right drivers).

It seems a little not cool, if you’re not providing with any guidance. its also out of character for spark fun.

There’s thousands of things someone could do with a iot shield, should spark fun do a tutorial for every one of them?

Looking at the data sheet ( … _Sheet.pdf), the USB port should look like a CDC port (UART) to the host. You should be able to send the same AT commands to it, say with Minicom, that you would with the UART. Most likely 115k2 baud, 8N1. You should also be able to connect it to a PC and try playing around with it that way.

It looks like the SARA-R4 will allow internet access (by issuing AT commands to trigger http/ftp/socket connections with your own code) but doesn’t appear to be able to be used as a generic access point or SLIP connection.
