Wav Trigger speaker amp very hot

I am setting up a wav trigger, the second one I have done.

  • The supply voltage is 5volts (measured at 4.88V)

    The ini file setup is speaker checkbox empty. IE speaker should be off. I confirmed this as I see no AC voltage from the speaker terminals when a file is playing.

    All my solder joints are good, I have double and triple checked those.

  • But the little 8 pin GA5 chip is getting extremely hot. Instant blister to the fingertip, can smell hot electronics hot.

    Any idea what I could be doing wrong?

    One thing is that VIN should not be 5V. Per the Hookup Guide, VIN should be at least 6V. Check the schematic: VIN is the input to a low-dropout 5V regulator that powers the audio amp, so feeding it 4.88 is probably causing issues on the analog 5V rail.

    If you want to power the board with 5V directly, you need to close the “5V” solder jumper and supply 5V to the pin labeled “5Vin”

    Yes I am powering the 5V directly, by passing the regulator.

    You are correct I did not have the 5v jumper soldered, that has now been corrected, power is still being supplied via J8 Pin4 not the FTDI for power.

    The amp chip is still getting VERY hot. I am beginning to think that the chip on the board is defective.

    I took a close up of the amp area of my board as it was in the shadow in the picture above.

    Unless you have a short in your soldering on the back of the board, you might have a dud. Checkout the link below if you think you need a replacement.


    Good News, it is fixed. The amp chip fell apart and stopped working. I helped it stay that way by unsoldering the power pin to the amp chip. Not going to bother with a return. The rest of the board works fine, why would ask for a new board to have a good amp when I would not be using that feature.