What's the Blue LED Connected To?

I have the Red-V board, but the schematic for this board is a mess!

For example, what is the blue LED connected to? On the schematic, it’s shown as connected to “SPI_SCK/1”. What is that? There’s no other reference to SPI_SCK/1 on the schematic. On the first page, there’s a “SPI_SCK/2”, which is connected to pin 31 on the RISC-V, where it’s labeled “IO5 SPI1_SCK” – is this the same as “SPI_SCK/1”?? This is clear as mud… Grrrrr. Help!

I’m assuming you’re using the Red-V RedBoard, as opposed to the Red-V Thing Plus. I apologize that the schematic sheet is confusing. The IC (U4) pin labled on the first page " SPI_SCK/2.?? " is indeed connected to the " SPI_SCK/1.?? " pin on the second page. This is done with Eagle’s pin numbering formats. The confusing use of " …/2.?? " or " …/1.?? " is done to link parts ‘across’ pages. I hope this helps with the confusion.

The blue LED is connected to GPIO 5, if that helps.