Why my LiPo battery not charging using Sunny Buddy v13?


I having difficulty with charging a LiPo Battery (2000 mAh) using Sunny Buddy v13. The solar panel is TGM500-12V and output voltage is about 12-18V in daylight. Power is maximum 9W and Voltage is 18V. I have adjusted the onboard potentiometer so that voltage between SET and GND is about 3V, but the battery is not being charged. What to do for a charge the battery. Please suggest a way to do it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance[.](https://www.targetpayandbenefits.us/)

The SunnyBuddy’s current output minimum is ~450mA; I’d guess that with a 9w max from the solar panel @ 12-18v it’s likely swinging in/out of the viable charging range

Measure the solar panels output…what amp range is it outputting?