Xbee 3 module

I understand that a series 3 module is capable of I2C communication.

I would like to set up a series 3 in a remote location and configure it remotely with my series 1 xbee.

The series 1 would be the master and the series 3 is the remotely located ‘slave’

May I configure the series 3 device with my existing series 1 device and receive the data from the series 3 device connected to the I2C devices ?

Hi spoggles,

To talk to Series 1 XBee/Zigbee radios, you most likely need to flash the older model’s firmware to the XBee 3 using XCTU. We can’t really help with that but Digi’s [Support Page might have some information that can help. Another option would be to either contact Digi or post on the [Digi Support Forum.](Digi Technical Support Forums)](Technical Support | Digi International)