XBEE Explorer com port open, can't connect

When I plug in the xbee explorer any terminal program I try says the com port is open and it can’t/won’t connect. If I disconnect the explorer the com port (9) goes away and it is not available to connect to. I’m running Vista and other USB/FTDI devices work just fine. Anyone have any ideas on where the problem is? Thanks.

do you have XCTU running at the same time?

No, I can get this error by just plugging in the explorer and trying to open any terminal or X-CTU (not both at the same time) Thanks for the response though.

EDIT > OK I got it working… I had to go into the device manager and delete the port and remove it’s drivers then plug the xbee in again and it started working. Who knew? Thanks all.

It’s easy to get USB drivers buggered up.

Note also the Device Manager’s View Hidden Devices. You can delete COM ports that are unused. Often happens if you plug a USB to serial into a different USB port - creates a new COM number.