XBee not responding

Hello to everybody,

I’ve bought two XBee modules (XBee 1mW Chip Antenna) and I have connect them to the PC using the FTDI chip adapter for XBee.

When I type +++ (no LF or CR), afeter a while I get the following responde “XYz” (without the qoutes). This is very extrange, the modules are new, I only connect them to the PC at 9600 8N1 without flow control.

Did anybody got this error? Should I be using a different baudrate (I tried with the others higher than 9600 with no luck).



the obvious

are these series 1 with the AT command set firmware (versus series 2)?

correct baud rate?

laptop with weak RS232?

How can I figure out which firmware version I have if I cannot ask it to the module? Whre it is printed on the PCB?

Baudrate is 9600 and I have measure it with an oscope.

Laptop signal is ok, I have short circuit TX and RX of the FTDI USB board, and I can see the echo on the terminal program.