Adafruit-pca9685 and OpenCv

I bougth the Jetson Nano developpement kit and It seems impossible to have Adafruit-pca9685 and OpenCv on the same setting.

The thing is OpenCv is ok on python3.6.9 but Adafruit-pca9685 goes only on python 3.7 and on (newer version).

Not abale to install OpenCV on 3.7 and no an not able to have Adafruit on 3.6.9 and older version.

Thank you!

Hey there,

I believe you are in the wrong forum topic; this issue is unrelated to the Jetson Nano. Rather, it is an issue with Python packages, specifically for OpenCV and the Adafruit board.

Unfortunately, his is outside the scope of our support for the Jetson Nano; and I would recommend that you reach out to the support pages for those products. Also, looking into the OpenCV Python package, it seems to be compatible with newer version of Python 3:

Best of luck on your project!