can someone help check this board before I get a proto made

I’ve tweaked the reprap arduino breakout board to be more project specific (

This is my first time really using eaglecad and I’ll like to have someone look my PCB schematics over before I send them off to the PCB shop (yes, I will be using batchpcb/sparkfun).


The only problem I see is an un-routed airwire from one of your +5VDC terminals to a 2.2K resistor.

Thanks. The unrouted wire is something I should have caught.

Someone PMed me and found the following:

-There is a polygon out of bounds at the top of the board on both the top and bottom layers: I looked into this and can’t figure out what the problem is. I can shrink the polygon down a bit and then the same error just pops up again on the top border.

-"you have a fatal error on the Vcc plane causing part of X5 (pin 11) to be an island. ": I’m confused by this one?

I’m going to reinstall eaglecad. I think the latest version has errors.

Anyone want to just fix it for me :slight_smile:

you should run DRC on your board (left panel, bottom right button)

you should also hit ratsnest button as that will tell you how many unrouted airwires you have.

I’ve run the DRC and it only shows the border errors (at the top of the schematic).

If I can’t get rid of these and they are not really errors will they “pass” when I submit the board to be made?

sti robot:
I’ve run the DRC and it only shows the border errors (at the top of the schematic).

If I can’t get rid of these and they are not really errors will they “pass” when I submit the board to be made?

I took a look at your design and agree there is a width

error flagged for the polygon fills. This is caused by the

conflict in the DRC settings, the Polygon width was set

to 18mil and the min Gap setting for thermals was set

to 20mil. Changing the width parameter from 18mil to

20mil fixes that error. The error was not fatal, but in my

book any ERC or DRC errors should be cleared before

CADCAM is run.

As this is your first board, and the EAGLE learning curve

is quite steep, take a look at your design again and ask

new questions here if it still an issue for you.


Thanks for your help.

I’ll take another careful look at the board and then get it made.