Can't put RTK Torch in Wifi Config mode

Hi all, currently working with an RTK Torch on version 1.4 (not 2.0 since we have been unable to load the rtk.local page correctly when using wifi configuration with that version).

As of a week or two ago, we have been unable to put the Torch into wifi config mode. Double-clicking the power button makes the Torch restart after a few seconds. We’ve reset the Torch to factory settings and redownloaded 1.4 and neither fixed the problem. While we can reach the config settings with a wired connection, this is not ideal.

Also as of a week or two ago, the Torch cannot hold DGPS for more than a few seconds before switching back to single fix. We’re unsure if this is a problem with the Torch or with PointPerfect.

Anyone else have any experience with these issues?

1 Like

Opening WiFi on the Torch via rtk.local is one of our unit tests and was passing when v2.0 was released. Sorry to hear something is going wrong!

Let’s try to break up the issues your having.

In v2.0, from a factory reset, you report you cannot open rtk.local from a browser once you connect to ‘RTK Config’ wifi, is that correct?

In v1.4, from a factory reset, you double tap the power button and the device resets?

We’re unsure if this is a problem with the Torch or with PointPerfect.

Please be clear with the steps and questions above if you’ve enabled or disabled PointPerfect. By default it’s off (post factory reset) so we need to be sure what you’re enabling in order to replicate the problem as much as possible.

Not to de-rail this thread, but I’m also having lots of trouble with WiFi Config Mode on the Torch

Serial Output on Double Click V2.0

Rover Accuracy (m): 0.000, SIV: 0 GNSS State: No Fix
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
E (72232) wifi:NAN WiFi stop
WiFi STA disconnected from feOFFICE
WiFi STA Stopped
WiFi Off
WiFi Ready
WiFi AP ‘RTK Config’ started with IP:
newSettings len: 3806
platformPrefix,Torch,rtkFirmwareVersion,v2.0,gnssFirmwareVersion,UM980 Firmware: 11833 ID: ff3b00971beb259b,gnssFirmwareVersionInt,11833,deviceBTID,Device Bluetooth ID: 7C7A,antennaHeight_mm,0,antennaPhaseCenter_mm,115.70,coordinateInputType,0,fixedAltitude,1560.0890,fixedEcefX,-1280206.568,fixedEcefY,-4716804.403,fixedEcefZ,4086665.484,fixedLat,40.090294790,fixedLong,-105.185057610,observationSeconds,60,observationPositionAccuracy,5.00,surveyInStartingAccuracy,2.0,shutdownNoChargeTimeout,0,enableBeeper,true,bluetoothRadioType,2,correctionsSourcesLifetime,30,correctionsPriority_External Radio,1,correctionsPriority_ESP-Now,2,correctionsPriority_LoRa Radio,3,correctionsPriority_Bluetooth,4,correctionsPriority_USB Serial,5,correctionsPriority_TCP (NTRIP),0,correctionsPriority_L-Band,6,correctionsPriority_IP (PointPerfect/MQTT),7,enableEspNow,false,espnowPeerCount,0,espnowPeer_0,00:00:00:00:00:00,espnowPeer_1,00:00:00:00:00:00,espnowPeer_2,00:00:00:00:00:00,espnowPeer_3,00:00:00:00:00:00,espnowPeer_4,00:00:00:00:00:00,autoFirmwareCheckMinutes,0,enableAutoFirmwareUpdate,false,mdnsHostName,rtk,enableNtripClient,false,ntripClientCasterHost,,ntripClientCasterPort,2101,ntripClientCasterUser,,ntripClientCasterUserPW,,ntripClientMountPoint,bldr_SparkFun1,ntripClientMountPointPW,,ntripClientTransmitGGA,true,enableNtripServer,false,ntripServerCasterHost_0,,ntripServerCasterHost_1,,ntripServerCasterHost_2,,ntripServerCasterHost_3,,ntripServerCasterPort_0,2101,ntripServerCasterPort_1,2101,ntripServerCasterPort_2,2101,ntripServerCasterPort_3,2101,ntripServerCasterUser_0,,ntripServerCasterUser_1,ntripServerCasterUser_2,ntripServerCasterUser_3,ntripServerCasterUserPW_0,ntripServerCasterUserPW_1,ntripServerCasterUserPW_2,ntripServerCasterUserPW_3,ntripServerMountPoint_0,bldr_dwntwn2,ntripServerMountPoint_1,ntripServerMountPoint_2,ntripServerMountPoint_3,ntripServerMountPointPW_0,WR5wRo4H,ntripServerMountPointPW_1,ntripServerMountPointPW_2,ntripServerMountPointPW_3,rebootMinutes,0,autoKeyRenewal,true,enablePointPerfectCorrections,true,geographicRegion,0,pointPerfectDeviceProfileToken,profileName,Profile1,dynamicModel,0,minCNO,30,minElev,15,dataPortBaud,115200,enableGnssToUsbSerial,false,radioPortBaud,57600,disableSetupButton,false,lastState,0,enableTcpClient,false,tcpClientHost,tcpClientPort,2948,enableTcpServer,false,tcpServerPort,2948,timeZoneHours,0,timeZoneMinutes,0,timeZoneSeconds,0,enableUdpServer,false,udpServerPort,10110,enableGalileoHas,false,enableTiltCompensation,false,constellation_BeiDou,true,constellation_Galileo,true,constellation_GLONASS,true,constellation_GPS,true,constellation_QZSS,true,wifiConfigOverAP,true,wifiNetwork_0SSID,feOFFICE,wifiNetwork_0Password,XXXXX,wifiNetwork_1SSID,Ryan,wifiNetwork_1Password,XXXXX,wifiNetwork_2SSID,wifiNetwork_2Password,wifiNetwork_3SSID,wifiNetwork_3Password,useLocalizedDistribution,true,localizedDistributionTileLevel,5,useAssistNow,false,requestKeyUpdate,false,enableLora,false,loraCoordinationFrequency,910.000,loraSerialInteractionTimeout_s,30,enableMultipathMitigation,true,baseTypeSurveyIn,true,baseTypeFixed,false,fixedBaseCoordinateTypeECEF,true,fixedBaseCoordinateTypeGeo,false,measurementRateHz,1.00,lastState,0,profileName,Profile1,profileNumber,0,profile0Name,1: Profile1,profile1Name,2: ,profile2Name,3: ,profile3Name,4: ,profile4Name,5: ,profile5Name,6: ,profile6Name,7: ,profile7Name,8: ,wifiConfigOverAP,1,minCNO,30,enableRCFirmware,false,sdFreeSpace,0 B,sdSize,0 B,sdMounted,false,hardwareID,AC1518927C7A03,daysRemaining,-1,geodeticLat,0.00000000,geodeticLon,0.00000000,geodeticAlt,0.000,ecefX,6378137.000,ecefY,0.000,ecefZ,0.000,radioMAC,AC:15:18:92:7C:78,logFileName,batteryIconFileName,src/Battery3_Charging.png,batteryPercent,+83%,
Error starting wsserver!
E (72921) wifi:NAN WiFi stop
WiFi Off
MQTT Client stopping
WiFi Ready
Connecting WiFi…
WiFi STA Started
WiFi Scan Done
WiFi STA connected to feOFFICE
WiFi STA Got IPv4:
Default Network Interface: None → WiFi
Batt (83%): Voltage: 7.84V Charging: 2.75%/hr
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
WiFi: (default)
Correction Source: None
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.

Same Torch on V1.4

WiFi ‘feOFFICE’ IP address:, RSSI: -27
Rover Accuracy (m): 0.000, SIV: 0 GNSS State: No Fix
Batt (83%): Voltage: 7.86V Charging: 3.13%/hr
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
Rover Accuracy (m): 0.000, SIV: 0 GNSS State: No Fix
Correction Source: None
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
Batt (83%): Voltage: 7.86V Charging: 3.10%/hr
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
Rover Accuracy (m): 0.000, SIV: 0 GNSS State: No Fix
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
Rover Accuracy (m): 0.000, SIV: 0 GNSS State: No Fix
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
Batt (83%): Voltage: 7.86V Charging: 3.12%/hr
Rover Accuracy (m): 0.000, SIV: 0 GNSS State: No Fix
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
Rover Accuracy (m): 0.000, SIV: 0 GNSS State: No Fix
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
E (55118) wifi:NAN WiFi stop
WiFi AP ‘RTK Config’ started with IP:
newSettings len: 3806
platformPrefix,Torch,rtkFirmwareVersion,v1.4,gnssFirmwareVersion,UM980 Firmware: 11833 ID: ff3b00971beb259b,gnssFirmwareVersionInt,11833,deviceBTID,Device Bluetooth ID: 7C7A,antennaHeight_mm,0,antennaPhaseCenter_mm,115.70,coordinateInputType,0,fixedAltitude,1560.0890,fixedEcefX,-1280206.568,fixedEcefY,-4716804.403,fixedEcefZ,4086665.484,fixedLat,40.090294790,fixedLong,-105.185057610,observationSeconds,60,observationPositionAccuracy,5.00,surveyInStartingAccuracy,2.0,shutdownNoChargeTimeout,0,enableBeeper,true,bluetoothRadioType,2,correctionsSourcesLifetime,30,correctionsPriority_External Radio,1,correctionsPriority_ESP-Now,2,correctionsPriority_LoRa Radio,3,correctionsPriority_Bluetooth,4,correctionsPriority_USB Serial,5,correctionsPriority_TCP (NTRIP),0,correctionsPriority_L-Band,6,correctionsPriority_IP (PointPerfect/MQTT),7,enableEspNow,false,espnowPeerCount,0,espnowPeer_0,00:00:00:00:00:00,espnowPeer_1,00:00:00:00:00:00,espnowPeer_2,00:00:00:00:00:00,espnowPeer_3,00:00:00:00:00:00,espnowPeer_4,00:00:00:00:00:00,autoFirmwareCheckMinutes,0,enableAutoFirmwareUpdate,false,mdnsHostName,rtk,enableNtripClient,false,ntripClientCasterHost,,ntripClientCasterPort,2101,ntripClientCasterUser,,ntripClientCasterUserPW,,ntripClientMountPoint,bldr_SparkFun1,ntripClientMountPointPW,,ntripClientTransmitGGA,true,enableNtripServer,false,ntripServerCasterHost_0,,ntripServerCasterHost_1,,ntripServerCasterHost_2,,ntripServerCasterHost_3,,ntripServerCasterPort_0,2101,ntripServerCasterPort_1,2101,ntripServerCasterPort_2,2101,ntripServerCasterPort_3,2101,ntripServerCasterUser_0,,ntripServerCasterUser_1,ntripServerCasterUser_2,ntripServerCasterUser_3,ntripServerCasterUserPW_0,ntripServerCasterUserPW_1,ntripServerCasterUserPW_2,ntripServerCasterUserPW_3,ntripServerMountPoint_0,bldr_dwntwn2,ntripServerMountPoint_1,ntripServerMountPoint_2,ntripServerMountPoint_3,ntripServerMountPointPW_0,WR5wRo4H,ntripServerMountPointPW_1,ntripServerMountPointPW_2,ntripServerMountPointPW_3,rebootMinutes,0,autoKeyRenewal,true,enablePointPerfectCorrections,true,geographicRegion,0,pointPerfectDeviceProfileToken,profileName,Profile1,dynamicModel,0,minCNO,30,minElev,15,dataPortBaud,115200,enableGnssToUsbSerial,false,radioPortBaud,57600,disableSetupButton,false,lastState,0,enableTcpClient,false,tcpClientHost,tcpClientPort,2948,enableTcpServer,false,tcpServerPort,2948,timeZoneHours,0,timeZoneMinutes,0,timeZoneSeconds,0,enableUdpServer,false,udpServerPort,10110,enableGalileoHas,false,enableTiltCompensation,false,constellation_BeiDou,true,constellation_Galileo,true,constellation_GLONASS,true,constellation_GPS,true,constellation_QZSS,true,wifiConfigOverAP,true,wifiNetwork_0SSID,feOFFICE,wifiNetwork_0Password,XXXXXX,wifiNetwork_1SSID,Ryan,wifiNetwork_1Password,XXXXXXX,wifiNetwork_2SSID,wifiNetwork_2Password,wifiNetwork_3SSID,wifiNetwork_3Password,useLocalizedDistribution,true,localizedDistributionTileLevel,5,useAssistNow,false,requestKeyUpdate,false,enableLora,false,loraCoordinationFrequency,910.000,loraSerialInteractionTimeout_s,30,enableMultipathMitigation,true,baseTypeSurveyIn,true,baseTypeFixed,false,fixedBaseCoordinateTypeECEF,true,fixedBaseCoordinateTypeGeo,false,measurementRateHz,1.00,lastState,0,profileName,Profile1,profileNumber,0,profile0Name,1: Profile1,profile1Name,2: ,profile2Name,3: ,profile3Name,4: ,profile4Name,5: ,profile5Name,6: ,profile6Name,7: ,profile7Name,8: ,wifiConfigOverAP,1,minCNO,30,enableRCFirmware,false,sdFreeSpace,0 B,sdSize,0 B,sdMounted,false,hardwareID,AC1518927C7A03,daysRemaining,-1,geodeticLat,0.00000000,geodeticLon,0.00000000,geodeticAlt,0.000,ecefX,6378137.000,ecefY,0.000,ecefZ,0.000,radioMAC,AC:15:18:92:7C:78,logFileName,batteryIconFileName,src/Battery3_Charging.png,batteryPercent,+83%,
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
Correction Source: None
Batt (83%): Voltage: 7.86V Charging: 3.03%/hr
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
Batt (83%): Voltage: 7.86V Charging: 2.94%/hr
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
Batt (83%): Voltage: 7.86V Charging: 2.87%/hr
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
Correction Source: None
Batt (83%): Voltage: 7.86V Charging: 2.80%/hr
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
Batt (83%): Voltage: 7.86V Charging: 2.73%/hr
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
Shutting down

Not derailing. Logs help! Thanks. ‘Error starting wsserver!’ is the smoking gun.

We’ve got a new release candidate with heaps of (ostensibly) unrelated fixes. I’ll start poking.

Panic on d2.1 after double click

WiFi STA connected to feOFFICE
WiFi STA Got IPv4:
Default Network Interface: None → WiFi
Rover Accuracy (in): 0.000, SIV: 0 GNSS State: No Fix
Batt (82%): Voltage: 7.82V Charging: 2.37%/hr
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
WiFi: (default)
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
Web Server start
MQTT Client stopping
E (51967) wifi:NAN WiFi stop
WiFi STA disconnected from feOFFICE
WiFi STA Stopped
WiFi Off
Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic’ed (LoadProhibited). Exception was unhandled.

Core 1 register dump:
PC : 0x400dc377 PS : 0x00060b30 A0 : 0x800f357b A1 : 0x3ffd3940
A2 : 0x3ffd3960 A3 : 0x00000000 A4 : 0x00000010 A5 : 0x3ffd39d8
A6 : 0x0000870a A7 : 0x00000001 A8 : 0x00000000 A9 : 0x00000000
A10 : 0x3ffd3964 A11 : 0x00000000 A12 : 0x00000010 A13 : 0x3ffd3974
A14 : 0x00000000 A15 : 0x00000001 SAR : 0x0000000a EXCCAUSE: 0x0000001c
EXCVADDR: 0x00000000 LBEG : 0x40093d64 LEND : 0x40093d6f LCOUNT : 0x00000000

Backtrace: 0x400dc374:0x3ffd3940 0x400f3578:0x3ffd3960 0x40103611:0x3ffd3980 0x4010f081:0x3ffd39a0 0x4010f4b7:0x3ffd3a20 0x4014f81c:0x3ffd3a40 0x4009b27a:0x3ffd3a60

ELF file SHA256: e7bd600f815f3685

E (16908) esp_core_dump_flash: Core dump flash config is corrupted! CRC=0x7bd5c66f instead of 0x0
E (16917) esp_core_dump_elf: Elf write init failed!
E (16921) esp_core_dump_common: Core dump write failed with error=-1
ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46

rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x17 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
configsip: 153911750, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x400805cc
E (1218) esp_coræ&VW
}±Í¡é No core dump partition found!
E (1218) esp_core_dump_flash: No core dump partition found

Identified variant: Torch
LittleFS Started
PSRAM Size (bytes): 2097152
I2C Devices:
0x08 - HUSB238 Power Delivery Sink Controller
0x0B - BQ40Z50 Battery Pack Manager / Fuel gauge
0x5C - MP27692A Power Management / Charger
0x60 - ATECC608A Cryptographic Coprocessor

SparkFun RTK Torch d2.1

Reset reason: ESP_RST_PANIC
GNSS UM980 online
Profile ‘Profile1’ loaded
Fuel gauge configuration complete
Charger configuration complete
UM980 configuration maintained
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
Bluetooth SPP and BLE broadcasting as: Torch Rover-7C7A
Batt (82%): Voltage: 7.83V Charging: 2.28%/hr
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
Rover Accuracy (in): 0.000, SIV: 0 GNSS State: No Fix
Starting WiFi Station
WiFi Ready
Connecting to WiFi…
WiFi STA Started

Resetting to Factory Defaults on d2.1 has WiFi Config working correctly and dependably.

I’m slowly making adjustments to my settings to hopefully catch where the snag is.

1 Like

On d2.1 w/ Factory Reset, I can confirm that enabling PP corrections causes the panic on the next WiFi Config.
Also, we no longer have the audible 2 beeps.

factory fresh on d2.1 after PP is enabled

No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
Web Server start
MQTT Client stopping
E (46928) wifi:NAN WiFi stop
WiFi STA disconnected from feOFFICE
WiFi STA Stopped
WiFi Off
Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic’ed (LoadProhibited). Exception was unhandled.

Core 1 register dump:
PC : 0x400dc377 PS : 0x00060630 A0 : 0x800f357b A1 : 0x3ffd3940
A2 : 0x3ffd3960 A3 : 0x00000000 A4 : 0x00000010 A5 : 0x3ffd39d8
A6 : 0x00007d3c A7 : 0x00000001 A8 : 0x00000000 A9 : 0x00000000
A10 : 0x3ffd3964 A11 : 0x00000000 A12 : 0x00000010 A13 : 0x3ffd3974
A14 : 0x00000000 A15 : 0x00000001 SAR : 0x0000000a EXCCAUSE: 0x0000001c
EXCVADDR: 0x00000000 LBEG : 0x40093d64 LEND : 0x40093d6f LCOUNT : 0x00000000

Backtrace: 0x400dc374:0x3ffd3940 0x400f3578:0x3ffd3960 0x40103611:0x3ffd3980 0x4010f081:0x3ffd39a0 0x4010f4b7:0x3ffd3a20 0x4014f81c:0x3ffd3a40 0x4009b27a:0x3ffd3a60

ELF file SHA256: e7bd600f815f3685

E (14718) esp_core_dump_flash: Core dump flash config is corrupted! CRC=0x7bd5c66f instead of 0x0
E (14726) esp_core_dump_elf: Elf write init failed!
E (14731) esp_core_dump_common: Core dump write failed with error=-1
ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46

rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x17 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
configsip: 153911750, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x400805cc
E (1218) esp_corÅæVW
}±Í¡é No core dump partition found!
E (1218) esp_core_dump_flash: No core dump partition found!

Identified variant: Torch
LittleFS Started
PSRAM Size (bytes): 2097152
I2C Devices:
0x08 - HUSB238 Power Delivery Sink Controller
0x0B - BQ40Z50 Battery Pack Manager / Fuel gauge
0x5C - MP27692A Power Management / Charger
0x60 - ATECC608A Cryptographic Coprocessor

SparkFun RTK Torch d2.1

Reset reason: ESP_RST_PANIC
GNSS UM980 online
Profile ‘Profile1’ loaded
Fuel gauge configuration complete
Charger configuration complete
UM980 configuration maintained
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
Bluetooth SPP and BLE broadcasting as: Torch Rover-7C7A
Batt (82%): Voltage: 7.83V Charging: 1.92%/hr
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
Rover Accuracy (m): 0.000, SIV: 0 GNSS State: No Fix
Starting WiFi Station
WiFi Ready
Connecting to WiFi…
WiFi STA Started

This would explain how it passes your Unit Testing.

RCs have the beeper turned off for sake of the devs (if it beeped every time we did a reset, it would be bad).

1 Like

Issue is here. In technical terms, we screwed up a pointer. Fix is in the release candidate. Firmware update info is here.


Thank you!

With 2.0 on a factory reset, this is what rtk.local looked like when the wifi config worked:

We were unable to select different profiles or save changes.

Today’s RC : RTK_Everywhere_Firmware_RC-Jan_15_2025.bin

After requesting PP Key Update, it doesn’t happen, after several attempts and reboots.


Parsing: exitAndReset,1,
Reset after AP Config
E (114617) wifi:NAN WiFi stop
WiFi STA disconnected from feOFFICE
WiFi STA Stopped
httpd_ws_recv_frame failed to get frame len with -1
ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46

rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x17 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
configsip: 153911750, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x400805cc
E (1218) esp_corÅæ&VW
}±Í¡é No core dump partition found!
E (1218) esp_core_dump_flash: No core dump partition found

Identified variant: Torch
LittleFS Started
PSRAM Size (bytes): 2097152
I2C Devices:
0x08 - HUSB238 Power Delivery Sink Controller
0x0B - BQ40Z50 Battery Pack Manager / Fuel gauge
0x5C - MP27692A Power Management / Charger
0x60 - ATECC608A Cryptographic Coprocessor
SparkFun RTK Torch d2.1
GNSS UM980 online
Profile ‘Profile1’ loaded
Fuel gauge configuration complete
Charger configuration complete
UM980 configuration updated
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
Bluetooth SPP and BLE broadcasting as: Torch Rover-7C7A
Batt (100%): Voltage: 8.23V Charging: -3.01%/hr
No GNSS date/time available for system RTC.
Rover Accuracy (m): 0.000, SIV: 0 GNSS State: No Fix
Starting WiFi Station
WiFi Ready
Connecting to WiFi…
WiFi STA Started
WiFi Scan Done
WiFi STA connected to feOFFICE
WiFi STA Got IPv4:
Default Network Interface: None → WiFi
HTTP Client start
[ 24145][E][NetworkClient.cpp:319] setSocketOption(): fail on 0, errno: 9, “Bad file number”
Keys successfully updated!
HTTP Client stopping

@achiang - Got it. From your image, the device was not sending its data to the config page. Please give v2.1 a try as a lot has been improved from v2.0 to v2.1.

@rftop - Working on it.

@rftop - RC Jan 15 is able to update keys on a Torch for me.

[ 24145][E][NetworkClient.cpp:319] setSocketOption(): fail on 0, errno: 9, “Bad file number”

Is a red herring (the best kind!). (For my own notes) This is triggered by httpClient->POST and is being printed because the release candidates have logging tweaked to 11. The error is possibly caused because we have recompiled the embed TLS library to use PSRAM. Unknown, but is unrelated. I get the error as well and we both get a successful HTTP response (otherwise you’d have debug errors stating as much).

Keys successfully updated!

Your unit got keys… Allegedly…

Admittedly the Web Config page needs a button "Update Keys’ with lots of feedback along the way about what’s going on/wrong but that’s a bigger lift than what’s possible ATM.

Do updating the keys via serial terminal work? They both use the same methods so I would expect the serial menu to fail for you…

How far down the debug rabbit hole do you want to go?

Enable debug messages:

  • system → network → 30) Debug HTTP Client data
  • x to main menu
  • pointPerfect → 3) Request key update
  • x out of menu

This is the output I get from Jan 15 RC:

Rover Accuracy (m): 1.130, SIV: 35 GNSS State: 3D Fix
System time set to: Thursday, January 16 2025 20:35:06
Starting WiFi Station
WiFi Ready
Connecting to WiFi...
WiFi STA Started
WiFi Scan Done
WiFi STA connected to sparkfun-iot
WiFi STA Got IPv4:
Default Network Interface: None --> WiFi
Tilt sensor configuration complete
Rover Accuracy (m): 1.108, SIV: 35 GNSS State: 3D Fix
Batt (100%): Voltage: 8.30V Discharging: 0.00%/hr
Rover Accuracy (m): 1.103, SIV: 35 GNSS State: 3D Fix
HTTP Client start
Sending JSON, 137 bytes
[ 19204][E][NetworkClient.cpp:319] setSocketOption(): fail on 0, errno: 9, "Bad file number"
HTTP response: {"privateKey":"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

Hkib3w3nAtrTv\nqNLV4aXK/O74yMjHXdasZ47KRbdzFha3X17HoKL2KeqLLVZdnongeScHjawI\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n","clientId":"400040f0-e79e-40e1-a719-c7e6c18400c1","rotatingKeyTitle":"IP Dynamic Keys","brokerPort":8883,"subscriptions":[{"description":"IP key distribution topic","path":"/pp/ubx/0236/ip"},{"description":"IP AssistNow topic","path":"/pp/ubx/mga"},{"description":"L-band + IP AssistNow incremental updates topic","path":"/pp/ubx/mga/updates"},{"description":"IP correction topic for EU region","path":"/pp/ip/eu"},{"description":"IP geographic area definition topic for EU region","path":"/pp/ip/eu/gad"},{"description":"IP high-precision atmosphere correction topic for EU region","path":"/pp/ip/eu/hpac"},{"description":"IP GNSS orbit, clocks and bias topic for EU region","path":"/pp/ip/eu/ocb"},{"description":"IP GNSS clock topic for EU region","path":"/pp/ip/eu/clk"},{"description":"IP correction topic for US region","path":"/pp/ip/us"},{"description":"IP geographic area definition topic for US region","path":"/pp/ip/us/gad"},{"description":"IP high-precision atmosphere correction topic for US region","path":"/pp/ip/us/hpac"},{"description":"IP GNSS orbit, clocks and bias topic for US region","path":"/pp/ip/us/ocb"},{"description":"IP GNSS clock topic for US region","path":"/pp/ip/us/clk"},{"description":"IP correction topic for KR region","path":"/pp/ip/kr"},{"description":"IP geographic area definition topic for KR region","path":"/pp/ip/kr/gad"},{"description":"IP high-precision atmosphere correction topic for KR region","path":"/pp/ip/kr/hpac"},{"description":"IP GNSS orbit, clocks and bias topic for KR region","path":"/pp/ip/kr/ocb"},{"description":"IP GNSS clock topic for KR region","path":"/pp/ip/kr/clk"},{"description":"IP correction topic for AU region","path":"/pp/ip/au"},{"description":"IP geographic area definition topic for AU region","path":"/pp/ip/au/gad"},{"description":"IP high-precision atmosphere correction topic for AU region","path":"/pp/ip/au/hpac"},{"description":"IP GNSS orbit, clocks and bias topic for AU region","path":"/pp/ip/au/ocb"},{"description":"IP GNSS clock topic for AU region","path":"/pp/ip/au/clk"},{"description":"IP correction topic for Japan region","path":"/pp/ip/jp"},{"description":"IP geographic area definition topic for Japan region","path":"/pp/ip/jp/gad"},{"description":"IP high-precision atmosphere correction topic for Japan region","path":"/pp/ip/jp/hpac"},{"description":"IP GNSS orbit, clocks and bias topic for Japan region","path":"/pp/ip/jp/ocb"},{"description":"IP GNSS clock topic for Japan region","path":"/pp/ip/jp/clk"}],"supportsLband":false,"brokerHost":"","subscriptionsTitle":"Topics","supportsMqtt":true,"dynamickeys":{"next":{"start":1738713582000,"duration":2419199999,"value":"..."},"current":{"start":1736294382000,"duration":2419199999,"value":"..."}}}
Certificates recorded successfully.
**PPL Not Compiled**
Rover Accuracy (m): 1.100, SIV: 35 GNSS State: 3D Fix
Keys successfully updated!
Batt (100%): Voltage: 8.30V Discharging: 0.00%/hr
HTTP Client stopping
Days until PointPerfect keys expire: 47
Rover Accuracy (m): 1.098, SIV: 35 GNSS State: 3D Fix
Rover Accuracy (m): 1.097, SIV: 35 GNSS State: 3D Fix
Batt (100%): Voltage: 8.30V Discharging: 0.00%/hr

Out of this blurb, “next” and “current” are what you’re looking for.

OK, I’m really embarrassed to admit this… but it does have PP keys now :slight_smile:
The Torch has been operating all day for HAS E6 testing and it snuck-in the PP keys on me.
I promise I checked 4-5 times last night with WiFi Config and it still reported -1 days.
Fairly certain I refreshed the page every time… but who knows now. The PP keys are there and that’s a fact :wink:

Sorry for the Trouble I may have caused, especially in @achiang’s thread.

Great news is WiFi Config is working very well for me on d2.1.
I prefer serial most of the time, but WiFi Config is helpful in the field.

1 Like

No worries! Keep the reports coming and thanks for testing these RCs.

And once you arrive at a consensus, let me know how the HAS E6 testing is going.

OK, so maybe I’m not crazy.
This morning, WiFi Config reports no PP Keys again.

After I take the Torch outside for a few minutes and try WiFi Config again, the PP keys are reported correctly.
I think it’s just a timing issue.
Maybe we just need to give the Torch a minute after Startup to perform some housekeeping before starting WiFi Config ?

Ah! The internal clock relies on GPS to set itself, so if you’re inside from power on, we don’t know the date, therefore can’t calculate the days until expiry. (This is one of the unintended side effects of me testing with an external antenna at the bench!)

From a user’s perspective, what do you think we should do? Print a “No GPS” if GPS is unavailable, and "Unknown’ for other faults? -1 is obviously pretty unhelpful.

Makes perfect sense now.

Maybe Print: “Hey Dummy…take me outside for a second”

Or :
Need GPS Date
No UTC from GNSS
A hyperlink to a brief explanation or guide topic that lives onboard, updated w/ FW

Thanks everyone so much (totally not derailing, it was helpful)! Is there a .bin for 2.1 somewhere? I’ve been updating the firmware through RTK Uploader since I had trouble in the past with updating through Wifi.

Either one of these Release Candidates:


All the .bin files are here -

The “Final” 2.1 will show up there as well, when it’s released.