RTK Torch locked out of web config

I’m finding myself locked out of my RTK Torch web config. I have entered wifi credentials and connected it to my local wifi network. It is configured to connect to the wifi network in wifi mode, so AP is not being broadcast.

I told it to update point perfect credentials and hit save, then exit and reset. Now I cannot reconnect to the web config. The RTK appears to be on my network, as I can see it in my router table and I can ping the IP address, but whereas that IP address used to advertise a webpage on the appropriate port, it is no longer doing so and I can’t connect to the web config via rtk.local or the appropriate IP address. Last firmware update was around December 27th. Not sure if that 2.0 or 2.1.

I’ve tried the regular double press on the power button to put it in and out of config mode, but it doesn’t seem to bring the web server online. Do I have to connect to the serial to reset it at this point?

@OWB , I noticed a SIGNIFICANT improvement with the WiFi Config (rtk.local) with the development versions of 2.1 FW (d2.1), from the Jan 15’th Release Candidate and later.

If you don’t mind using a pre-release, it’s worth the upgrade if you use WiFi Config.

Using the RTK Firmware Uploader makes it a breeze to update.

Bin files are here

Which COM port do you program over? USB-Enhanced-SERIAL-B CH342 COM or USB-Enhanced-SERIAL-A CH342 COM?

I ask because I noticed the B port is called for in the product manual for serial communication, but I also understand you shouldn’t program and run serial communications over the same port at the same time.

For the Torch, it’s “Serial-B”.
I myself had to check, so I tried the RTK Firmware Uploader on “Serial A” and it didn’t work.
Serial B worked. You’re looking for the progress statements :

Writing at 0x00317eb1... (98 %)
Writing at 0x0031d9ab... (99 %)
Writing at 0x00322eb6... (100 %)
Wrote 3242672 bytes in 175.9 seconds...

That worked out nice and easy. Everything came up just as it should following the update to RC Jan 20. Thanks!

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@rftop - Excellent help! Thank you!

@OWB - What rftop said. Also, welcome! Be aware that Bluetooth config is a thing and many people’s preferred configuration method. I usually use the serial config at my desk and Bluetooth config in the field.

Do you have a good iOS app for serial terminal over Bluetooth? Last time I tried it back in December the connection kept getting closed out after a few seconds. Figured it might be part of an iOS restriction…

I haven’t found one for iOS that I like. With the recent FW updates, WiFi config works great now. I’d do WiFi in the field with iOS. Serial when at my desk.