I cannot access WiFi or Bluetooth Configuration modes and need to perform a factory reset

Somehow in Wifi configuration mode I disabled the ability to enter back into that mode as well as bluetooth mode. Now I cannot connect any of my devices to the RTK Torch. I believe I need to perform a factory reset via serial connection but I am not super savvy with terminal. Any help appreciated!

Check out our guide System Menu - SparkFun RTK Product Manual :slight_smile:

Like I said before, I cannot access the wifi config option so that won’t work. I cannot get the menu to open with serial connection either. Does the RTK torch have an SD card that I can do the reset with? And if so how do I safely access it? Thanks!

You can use serial Configure with Settings File - SparkFun RTK Product Manual

I understand that I can use a serial connection. The reason I posted to this forum is because I have tried what the manual instructs and have had no success. Please connect me with someone who can help me troubleshoot this issue.

Edited, solution 3 posts below!

Is there an SD card in the RTK Torch?

@petersonenviro , Give this a shot. Once you’ve sucessfully connected with Serial you have several options.

Let us know if you have any snags.

Hi @petersonenviro ,

The RTK Torch does not have an SD card… Apologies for the misinformation.

You said “I cannot get the menu to open with serial connection either”. Do you see anything when you try to open the USB serial connection in a serial console / terminal emulator at 115200 baud? Lots of text scrolling up the screen? What happens if you hit any key? Forgive me for stating the obvious, but please make sure the battery is partially charged and that the Torch is powered on when you try this.

Regardless, I think your only option may be to reinstall the firmware using the Firmware Uploader. Please see this section of the product manual for more details. The Uploader Repo contains more information and installation instructions. You may need to use the “Erase Flash” option to completely eradicate the previous settings. The Torch runs “RTK Everywhere Firmware” - not the older “RTK Firmware”. You can find the latest firmware binaries in this repo. Version 2.1 is the latest full / stable release. But there are other Release Candidate versions you can try too; March 10th is the latest.

Apologies for the hassle,


Ah, @PaulZC 's suggestion is even better :grin:

Knowing how to update the FW is always a Plus.

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No SD Card in RTK Torch

As a new user myself I have had to climb the learning curve…

These are my Serial settings to use the RTK Torches supplied USB cord and my Windows 10 Laptop (Dell Allenware 17R [old])

And I am using Tera Term

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Thanks for this! Erase flash was the key with fresh firmware-- immediately brought back the wifi config option. That Firmware Uploader is a handy tool.