Connecting a RTK Facet L-Band to a Magnetometer

HI All, I’m fairly novice to this, but have a working RTK Facet L-Band just using the Rover 30-50cm accuracy on it. I would like to connect this via cable to a Sensys R3 Magnetometer. Some guidelines: external receiver (RTK Facet L-Band) must provide NMEA strings (GGA and ZDA) all other strings disabled.

Interface Parameters:

  • Baudrate 57,000

  • Data bits = 8

  • Parity = none

  • Stop Bits = 1

  • Flow Control = None
  • The mating connector is a 7-pin Fischer Connectors - S 103 A057-130 with the following pinout:

    1- nd, 2-GND, 3-RxD, 4-TxD, 5-PPS, 6-nc, 7-nc

    Can this be connect with the RTK Facet L-Band?

    Where and how can I get the right cable?

    Also, how to set the RTK Facet L-Band to send only NMEA GGA (and ZDA?) strings to this magnetometer?

    Kind Regards,


    PS.The no. 1 slot on the Fischer connector is also “nc”. I assume these (1, 6, 7 ) are not used?

    It sounds compatible; please check out the data port settings you can use here … enu_ports/

    We have a few adapter cables for this kind of thing, but none that are 7-pin to 4-pin (you’re looking for something similar to this, you can also use something like with others/combos to rig something up!)