When I made my design in EAGLE, I used a line width of zero for some polygons. There have a solid “pour”. Why would it care about the line width in a solidly filled polygon as long as the clearance around the polygon is acceptable?
I, too, had it complaints from the DRC about a line width of 8mil being too small. It took me a long time to find it. It was in the dimension layer where the problem was. It was the perimeter line of the board. Once I fixed the polygon line width and the dimension line width, then I passed DRC.
If 8mil lines are acceptable to the manufacturer, then the DRC really ought to pass 8 mil lines in the layout.
If you email support, they’ll manually pass your design.
It is definitely a hassle. I suspect that not only do they not read this forum, AT ALL, but that they don’t have either the budget or the will to fix DRC bot or the site. If you read over the forums, you’ll see that people have been complaining about this issue for MONTHS, with nary a comment from the admins.
BatchPCB is a great service, and certainly, wrt to ease of use, it outperforms virtually all other similar pcb producers. This, however, is not saying much.
Yeah, I noticed that the 8 mil width issue has been around for a while. Most of the time I am no where close to 8 mil, but this time it is a tighter layout, and I wanted some accuracy with the polygons. So I used zero width on the polygons. And as I said before that failed it. I also wanted a narrow border in the document layer, but since it gets put in the copper, it needed to be >8 mil width.
Should read other posts about PCB fab recommendations. I have used OSH Park exclusively and never had a problem with their boards. Very high quality with gold plating. Their good for small PCBs and small runs. If you need bigger and more boards, ITead is where to go.