esp32 mini, some sensors and battery babysitter

Dear all

I have to make a new project. This project is mandatory that it uses lipo batteries.

It’s my first time with lipo batteries and arduino so I have some doubts.

This projects has a d1 mini esp32, tsys01 temp. sensor, bme680 sensor, two oled 0,96" display and TCA9548A multiplexer.

Further more, I have two LIPO batteries (2 x 3,7V 800mAh) and one Sparkfun baterry babysitter.

My doubt is, can I plug this two batteries in serie and hook up to a battery babysitter?

Except D1 Mini ESP32, all sensor and displays are 3,3V.

So could it better to use one battery and one babysitter for d1 esp32 mini and another battery + one babysitter to powering all sensors separately?

Thanks in advanced

I would keep in mind that the Battery Babysitter is meant for a single cell only. There could be issues running the batteries in series.