Jetson Orin Nano overheating and also USB ports not working

I’ve been using a Jetson Orin Nano without any problems until recently. I noticed a burning odor coming from the device, and upon inspecting it by touch, it was hot enough to burn my finger :oops: . I immediately switched it off and allowed it to cool down. However, when I turned it back on, although the login screen appeared, the mouse and keyboard weren’t receiving power from the unit, and it still seemed to be overheating. Could you please provide assistance :?:

How is it being powered? Share any relevant photos

Do you know the temps it was running at previously, and if it might’ve required extra cooling?

I am powering it with original power adapter. I dont have anything to measure temps, but I can say now it is lot more hotter and burned my finger. It is getting hotter in couple of minutes and burning smell comes from the board. I feel there is issue with carrier board

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