Magiquest Wand IR Reciever

After a recent trip to Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine TX the kids (read I) got hooked on the live action RPG [MagiQuest. We now own a few [wandsand I would like work up some recievers for fun stuff around the house.

After doing a little research I found [a site with more information. It looks like these wands use a standard 36KHz ir signal

You Carry the TSOP85238, but this is for 38KHz ir signals. Is it possible to stock the TSOP85236.

Love the site, keep up the good work!](](](MagiQuest - Wikipedia)

Did you ever have any luck with this project? Over the 4 July break, I took my kids to a MagiQuest location as well. They enjoyed it and I was thinking this would be a great way to get them interested in electronics / microcontrollers / etc. I am a pretty experienced programmer with some embedded / control systems work as well, but am a neophyte with soldering irons and circuit design, so any pointers would be very much appreciated. The link you posted is no longer accessible (at least by me).


Did anyone save the file from the website above? I can’t get to the file.



I did save the file, however it is password protected. I contacted the guys who worked on that project and they are under NDA.

years late.

but I have hacked an Arduino to receive and decode the MagiQuest wands. As to trigger things around the house for the kids.

I use the IR Demodulator of 38Khz, it is close enough. I believe I measured it something like 37.5Khz. So either 36K or 38K will pick it up.

It sends 112 changes or 56 bits. Where the duty cycle of either 25%+75% or 50%+50% likely depicts a ZERO or ONE.

The bottom int16 appears to be a loose approximation of the magnitude of the wands wave.

The middle int32 appears to be a unique Wand ID.

Very interesting I will have to check this out