I received my SparkFun JetBot AI Kit V2.0 recently which included a Qwiic micro OLED breakout for displaying basic information. Unfortunately it does not work when I completed the assembling according to the guide.
It is supposed to display some basic information while powering up.
Please refer to the snapshot attached here after power up.
Is this a hardware problem? Or it might be a connection issue, because the main board has been powered up according to the indicator light.
Are you able to SSH into the device? (This should be enabled by the image on the SD card) - that should inform us if it’s a system-wide issue or if it is just the screen
I have the same issue. And I can see the blue light blinking in SparkFun Qwiic Motor Driver but nothing displayed in OLED screen just as the above image. Can you tell me where to find the IP address and how to SSH into the device?
You might try swapping the cables around to see if one of them is bad. You could also try the different connectors on the phat. Maybe the one you’re plugged into isn’t working?
Your WiFi router might be able to tell you what IP address the bot has if you’re able to log into it’s configuration page.