Original code for LilyTwinkle?

(I’ve already emailed support, I’ll update with their response, if I get one.)

I’m looking into [reprogramming a LiliTwinkle (DEV-11590), but I’m really new at ATTiny programming, so I’d like to get a copy of the original code running on the LilyTwinkle so if I can’t get it to do what I want I can reload the original code so it’s still usable as a LilyTwinkle. Does anyone know of where I can get that code?](https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/re-programming-the-lilytiny--lilytwinkle/all)

Only one I could find is this one https://github.com/sparkfun/LilyTiny_Li … winkle.ino

Thanks! I made the mistake of only looking at the GitHub for the [LilyTwinkle Protosnap, which only has the boards, and is apparently different than the [LilyTwinkle GitHub.

Oddly enough, the [LilyTiny and [LilyTwinkle pages both link to the same [GitHub for both the LilyTiny/LilyTwinkle.](GitHub - sparkfun/LilyTiny_LilyTwinkle: Design and firmware files for the LilyTiny and LilyTwinkle boards.)](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11364)](LilyTiny - DEV-10899 - SparkFun Electronics)](GitHub - sparkfun/LilyTiny_LilyTwinkle: Design and firmware files for the LilyTiny and LilyTwinkle boards.)](GitHub - sparkfun/LilyTwinkle_ProtoSnap: Design files for the LilyTwinkle-Protosnap board. Firmware in the LilyTiny_LilyTwinkle repo.)