Papa soundie wont work

Hey, i have problems with my papa soundie.

I want to trigger files with a HIGH-LOW-combination on the Papa soundie. Which pins do i have to use?

I tried D9-D13 but it dit not work.

Now i am not sure if my files or my sd could be the problem.

Could somebody please send me a downloadlink to right-named files which are definetly working on the papa soundie.

Hi NickB,

The Papa Soundie works a bit differently than the rest of our Audio boards where you need to actually upload code to the board to toggle tracks. The [Programming section of the Hookup Guide will cover it in a bit more detail.

To trigger tracks with external buttons, you would need to set up pins as inputs in your code and have the code play tracks when that button is pressed. This [online audio converter is the software I use to convert audio files to OOG format so I would recommend starting with that. If you are looking for example tracks, [ is a good one to find sound effects to test. Just make sure they are named “AUDIO00.ogg”, “AUDIO01.ogg” and so forth so the firmware knows which tracks to play.

I hope this helps explain the issue a bit more and gives you some options for testing your board. If you have any other questions or issues with the Papa Soundie, let us know and we would be happy to help.](](Online OGG converter)](Papa Soundie Audio Player Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn)

Thank you so much for your answer.

I thounght i could easily trigger the files with that combination of HiGH and LOW at the pins because i saw somerhing like this on the website. it was called “Binary Coded Playback”.

one more question:

how exacrly can i programm the papa soundie itself?

do i just have to buy a FTDI adapter, solder it and programm it with the arduino IDE?

Hi again Nick,

The binary coded playback on the Papa Soundie allows you to trigger more tracks than available Input/Output pins you have on your microcontroller (in this case, an ATMega328). The table in the [Audio Files section of the Hookup Guide demonstrates that logic with pins D2-D6. It is a bit confusing since the [Little Soundie uses the same type of binary coding for triggering tracks without needing to program the board.

As for programming it, you are 100% correct. You just need something like the SparkFun [FTDI Basic - 3.3V or similar USB-to-Serial device. Just make sure it runs at 3.3V logic so it will work with the Papa Soundie. The Programming section I linked in my previous response will explain the board definitions and the basic functions of the [Arduino Library to get you started programming the Papa Soundie.](Papa_Soundie_Audio_Player/Libraries/Arduino at master · sparkfun/Papa_Soundie_Audio_Player · GitHub)](](](