I have connected a SDP31 differential sensor to my IoT 9DoF logger board which does detect the sensor OK. The logger is connected via USB to my PC running Teraterm.
Initially the readings from the sensor are a scrolling list of:
After configuring the sensor to output pressure Pa and no temperature correction the sensor provides meaningful differential pressures. However, after saving these settings and then re-starting the loT 9DoF the readings revert to -9999.00, etc.
I have tried everything but the problem remains. Any suggestions?
Thanks for the suggestion. However, today I find that my logger is not communicating correctly via COM1 or COM7, simply streaming random text then stops. I was about to update the firmware but cannot now do so since I suspect the logger is faulty.
I have tried to use this differential pressure sensor connected to my older Artemis OpenLog but it responds on Terra Term to say “no Quiic devices detected”. Is there a solution? Can I force a connection?
Yes, I have tried different USB ports and two cables. The SDP32 does light up. Finally, I have the SDP31 (plus 2 other Quiic sensors) working with an OpenLog Artemis but only after updating the firmware on that device.