Pulse Oximeter and Heart Rate-Is it necessary the rubber band to fit the sensor to the finger?

Dear Sir, I was watching the video for the module “Pulse Oximeter and Heart Rate Sensor (SEN-15219)” and now I want to know: Is it necessary the rubber band to fit the sensor to the finger? If you see the video, the demo uses a rubber band for the finger sensing data, but in my application the sensor will be place over an enclosure surface so it won’t be possible to use a rubber band. Another question is how much pressure the user must do in order to make a good reading? Is it a very strong press over the sensor? Thanks!

The rubber band seems to provide just enough stable force to keep the sensor in place and working. You don’t need a rubber band but it will help you hold things in place while providing the same amount of pressure all the time.

Less pressure is better than more, once you start using the sensor you will get a feel for the correct amount of pressure. Too little pressure or too much and the sensor won’t work.

ok thanks Chris.