Pulse Oximeter, can it be used on dogs (so no fingertip), as there are no hearbeat sensors for dogs?

Hi all,

I’m new to the sparkfun forums

i am very much interested in the SparkFun Pulse Oximeter, heartbeat sensor.

It uses a fingertip and a internal light to scan the arteries and collect data.

As there are no good heartbeatsensors available for dogsports, my question is, does it only work on fingertips, or will it work on other bodyparts as well, in that case i could use this to create a HRV & Oximeter for sporting dogs…



The pulse oximeter is designed to be only used on a human finger. The MAX32664 Biometric Sensor Hub runs proprietary algorithms designed only for the human finger. It may be possible to get readings on other body parts (or species) but we can not guarantee that functionality.