Resetting SparkFun RTK Postcard to Factory Defaults

Hello everyone,
I have an issue with configuring my SparkFun RTK Postcard board.

I was configuring the board via the terminal, created a profile, and now I cannot return to the settings and configuration menu. Meanwhile, the receiver continues to send NMEA messages through the second port.

When the board starts, the following lines appear in Terminal A:

configsip: 271414342, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x400805cc

Board ADC ID (mV): 2484
LittleFS Started
PSRAM Size (bytes): 2097152
No devices found on the I2C bus
SparkPNT RTK Postcard v2.0
GNSS offline
Profile 'NIKITA' loaded
Fuel gauge not detected
Directional pad not detected

My question is: how can I reset the board to factory settings?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Hi, please follow the ‘Forcing a factory reset’ part of Sparkfun RTK manual. Configure with Settings File - SparkFun RTK Product Manual

Hi Dilshana! Thank you for the reply.

The board I am working with is an RTK Postcard, which does not have an SD card slot. I should have clarified that earlier. Please advise on how to proceed with the factory reset in this case.

SparkFun RTK Postcard Here it says ’ It’s important to note that the RTK Postcard is designed to have full functionality when combined with the Portability Shield! Simply connecting these products provides a 1.3” OLED display and a five-way button to navigate the configuration settings and display PNT data; a microSD card slot for data logging’. So, for adding a microSD card to Sparkfun RTK postcard, you need a portability shield. I do not know if a factory reset is possible without SD card in any other way.

Unfortunately, I don’t have the Shield with the screen. Also, I live on the other side of the world, in Kazakhstan. I will wait for further suggestions or alternative solutions from support.
Thank you for assisting me!

Welcome @Nikita_Vinogradov ,
You could try the RTK Uploader tool and flash the .bin file.

Firmware_Uploader App
Note: for the PostCard, you must select the Com Port with “Serial A” in the description.

The compiled .bin files are here
I believe RTK_Everywhere_Firmware_v2_0.bin is the version that shipped on the PostCard.
Or you can test the latest Release Candidate, currently RC-Jan_20_2025.bin

Click the .Bin file you want, then in the Top Right corner of the next page you should see :

HI Nikita (@Nikita_Vinogradov ),

In your case, you may also need to Erase the ESP32 Flash memory to clear the old settings first: Erase Flash, then Upload Firmware.

I hope this helps,

Thank you so much for your help and support! I followed your instructions, flashed the board, and everything works perfectly now. I really appreciate your assistance!

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RFTOP, thank you so much for your help and support! I followed your instructions, flashed the board, and everything works perfectly now. I really appreciate your assistance!