Rtk base and rover using esprtk

Hi, I am looking to build a base and a rover using the Zed-F9P GPS board and have seen articles about using ESPRTK on a Esp32 board. I am assuming the esprtk is software that is loaded onto a board? What I think I need is a Dev-15123 breadboard, a WRL-14689 Esp wroom board and the GPS-15136 with an antenna. Are these the components I would need to make a base and a rover that would run as standalone units with no computer hooked up?

Thanks Curt

Hi Curt.

I don’t really know anything about ESPRTK, but from looking at a few pages about it, I think you only need a ESP32 based board like the [SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM or [SparkFun ESP32 Thing and a RTK GPS. I don’t see where you’d need a RedBoard Qwiic anywhere, but I suppose you could have one in the mix somewhere if you wanted to.

You might check the [ESPrtk blog to see what they have to say. It looks like they might be able help point you in the right direction.](https://esprtk.wordpress.com/)](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13907)](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14689)