Tsunami Super Wav Trigger no sounds and hex error

I got a new Super Wav Trigger WG-18159 (my first one was defective) and now I got new problems. Its not possible to play any sounds.

When I power on it blinks 3 times short green. By using any trigger input, the LED flashes short red. That seems to be correct. But there is no sound at the outputs, no matter wich one from 1 to 8. The files are the piano files from robertsonis. The ini-File I have testet with mono and stereo. I don´t know if stereo or mono is delevery condition.

The next problem ist the fw-update. Its not possible to make an update, always hex-file error. (1 long blink, followed by to short blinks).

Any ideas? Thank you.

What are you using for a sd card?

You have to use the mono firmware with mono tracks and the stereo firmware with stereo tracks. You can not mix stereo and mono tracks.

Can you supply photos showing how you have everything connected?

I have flashed the mono sw from robertsonics v2.00m with another sd-card from a different manufacturer.

Now it works fine.