Tsunami Super WAV Trigger

Hello, I purchased a WIG-18159 Tsunami Super WAV Trigger and I can not play any sounds.

If there is no SD-Card inside, the LED blinks blue, when I hold the user button und press the reset button.

The same with any Card (including update file) is 1 long blink, followed by 2 short blinks: Hex file error.

Power on with a USB-C Loader and Card inside, there is no blinking LED. Should be one time blinking, for Card is not readable or 3 times for ok.

I´ve tried with 4 different SD-Cards from 128mB up to 32GB. Formatted with FAT32 and also FAT16.

What can I do now or is the WAV-Trigger defekt?

It sounds like you may have a defective unit; I found your account and will be sending out a replacement ASAP

Look for an email soon