Using SparkFun RTK Facet with Field Maps (ESRI) application

Hi, is the Sparkfun RTK Facet compatible with the Field Maps (ESRI) application (when used on an Android)?

Thank you!

Yes I believe it will: … 210308C821

I’ll try to get something written up shortly.

Just wondered if there was ever any documentation written on this topic? Sure would help Sparkfun sell more units, we currently use Eos Arrows, but I’ve been eyeing these for a while and would like to buy a few if they work.

Thank, Alex

Checkout the docs for Android and iOS. The short answer is probably not. ESRI stinks because some of their apps don’t allow TCP connections while some do (and we’re compatible). For those apps on iOS that do not support TCP, we cannot connect over Bluetooth SPP (again, only iOS) without a huge amount of work.

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