Raspberry Pi 256GB SSD Kit Not working

Hello, I bought a Raspberry Pi 256 SSD Kit and have had multiple issues getting it working.

  1. The offset spacers would not work with my RPI 5 because it is mounted on the RPI 7 inch screen. See: Raspberry Pi SSD Kit Standoff replacements - #3 by odymaui

  2. After getting the correct working offsets, the stacking header pins were the wrong size. The provided pins were too short to use. I got longer pins so that I could power the RPI 7 inch screen.

  3. once I got the RPI 256gb SSD kit installed, it is not recognized and doesn’t appear to be found.

I am still working working through getting the m.2 ssd kit working but am strongly thinking it is defective m.2 / ssd unit(s).

I opened a support thread in the Raspberry Pi forum here: https://forums.raspberrypi.com/viewtopic.php?t=379680 and haven’t made much progress.

Is it possible to exchange and get a new SSD Kit? I am guessing that the unit is defective.

Because of delays with shipping of parts, I don’t want this to become too old and not qualify for a replacement.

  1. Yea, that happens a lot…they can’t include every combination’s worth of spacers
  2. Same situation…without the screen, they are. But there’s no way for the kit to know that you’d need the taller ones
  3. Are you using the Pi imager? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Krq56zyHkoA

The issue I am escalating is for #3 error/issue where the system will not recognize the find the nvme. It is not functioning. I have basically exhausted all support options with the Raspberry Pi support forum.

I need to exchange the kit sent with a new working m.2 nvme SSD kit.

Alright I found your order - We’ll be sending out a replacement ASAP, you should get an email within a few days when it leaves.

Have a great day!