RTK Facet L-Band failing to get keys

I have 2 new RTK Facet L-Band devices that we are trying to get up and running. We have powered both on, updated the WiFi config but can’t seen to get updated keys. The first device connects to Wifi, attempts to get keys and then displays the error “ZTP Failed ID: A0B7656AD4E4” over and over again. It is on firmware v3.9 The second device does the same thing when on v3.9, updating to v4.0 added a message after “Getting Keys” that says “Account Expired” and then the “ZTP Failed ID: A0B7656BD1E0”

Question: are you connecting to 5GHz WiFi?

I have tried a couple different Wifi, all of which are a celluar hot spot, with and without security. The device will connect to each and produce the same error. I have tried a hot spot from a Android and iPhone, which I believe do a single SSID for 2.4 and 5Ghz and AT&T hot spot that has separate SSID for 2.4 and 5. All combinations produce the same error.

Can you send me a private message with your order number and the device ID’s? I’ll go look them up and verify that your devices are whitelisted and provisioned correctly; I suspect that these may be units that were incorrectly labeled on our end.

I went ahead and whitelisted the two ID’s you posted. I recommend updating both devices to the latest firmware (v4.0), please give it a try again and let me know if you have any more issues!

We are still having issues getting these devices to work properly. We have updated their firmware and still have the same issue. The other 2 units that we ordered at the same time have been working with no problems, just these 2 have been no use to us for the past 4+months.