My point perfect subscription was renewed today but since then, I have lost the point perfect correction. I.e. the display only shows one “rod” on the antenna image, not the usual 3.
I have reloaded the keys multiple time, to no avail.
The best I can get now is DGPS.
I need that machine working in 24 hours, please provide some guidance.
Best regards
What is your device ID?
Never mind found it. We can see the device connecting but not obtaining keys. This may be because the window is greater than 28 days away. I recommend clearing the keys, or doing a factory reset and re-provisioning.
Hi Sparky,
It is A0B7656CA0BE
I just did a factory reset from the WIFI interface, reentered the local SSID, and obtained new keys.
No dice. The display still says 28 days and no PP corrections with a single prong dish.
Correction, it finally worked by trying one more time. I don’t know why.
Thank you!
No problem! Sorry for the hassle. Glad it’s working!
I think that you should request a new feature to force a key update from the Wifi interface.
Doing it through a factory reset is certainly not the most elegant solution…
thank you for the help!
WiFi Key update - Will do.
Also, you can use the Setup button on the device and select ‘Get Keys’ to request a key update.
Yes, but I did that 100 times and nothing happened.