TSUNAMI SUPER WAV TRIGGER - 25 V - When trying to load the firmware the LED stays solid green

I was able to load the stereo firmware. But now I try to load the mono firmware and when doing the procedure, it happens that the LED goes to a solid green state and does not come out of that situation.

So it never flashes blue light.

I would like to know what that indication means.

Thank you so much.

greetings Rodolfo

Does changing others settings save successfully? (does it work if you change it back to stereo?)

Also be sure to swap ports, restart PC, swap cables, etc to rule those out as suspects

After the LED goes solid green, what happens when you hit the reset button?

Leaving the 2 buttons free, the LED remains green.

pressing and releasing the reset, it flashes green and then flashes blue.

Other information:

With stereo firmware and SD with the files (1,2, up to 16) and .ini that come for testing, it works well, sending pins 1 to 16 to ground.

When sending the same signals via MIDI, the files do not play or suddenly several files play together in a seemingly random manner.

The LED colors/pattern you are observing are all normal. Please refer to the SparkFun Hookup Guide. I suggest you work through that guide to make sure you understand what to expect. For troubleshooting MIDI, you’ll need to provide more information… Where is the MIDI coming from, are you using an .ini file, what are your track filenames, etc.

When I loaded the stereo firmware for the first time, the LED went from green to flashing blue before releasing the user button, indicating that the procedure had finished.

That’s what I expected because it’s what I had read in


What he does now

Although it is different, can it be equivalent?

thank you for your time.

Greetings Rodolfo

The following corresponds to MIDI:

–pin 10 leonardo micro connected to pin 4 midi in Wav triguer

–pin GND leonardo micro connected to pin 5 midi in Wav Triguer

The following is the program, which I obtained from the forum, but changing the notes (01 to 0F were placed) and using only bank 0

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial mySerial(1, 10); // RX, TX

void setup() {

// Set MIDI baud rate:




int CurrentMidiBank = 1;

int CurrentMidiChannel = 0;

byte note = 0;

void loop() {

// Play notes in banks 0

// (all on channel 0)


for ( int bank = 0; bank < 1; bank ++ )


CurrentMidiBank = bank;

midiBank( CurrentMidiChannel, CurrentMidiBank );********++++++++

// for (int note = 0x01; note < 0x0F; note ++)

for (int note = 0x01; note < 0x0F; note ++)


noteOn( CurrentMidiChannel, note, 0x45);


Serial.println(note, DEC);


noteOn( CurrentMidiChannel, note, 0x00);



delay( 1500 );



// plays a MIDI note. Doesn’t check to see that cmd is greater than 127, or that

// data values are less than 127:

void midirelease ( byte channel, byte release)


midiMsg( (0xB0 | channel ), 0x48, release);

mySerial.write(release );


void midiattack ( byte channel, byte attack)


midiMsg( (0xB0 | channel ), 0x49, attack);

mySerial.write( attack);


void midiBank( byte channel, byte bank )


// Program Change, Bank select LSB = bank

midiMsg( (0xB0 | channel ), 0x20, bank );

// Program Change, program 0

mySerial.write( (0xC0 | channel) );

mySerial.write( bank );


// Send a MIDI note-on message.

void noteOn(byte channel, byte note, byte volume)


midiMsg( (0x90 | channel), note, volume);


// Send a MIDI note-off message.

void noteOff(byte channel, byte note, byte volume)


midiMsg( (0x80 | channel), note, volume );


// Send a general MIDI message


void midiMsg(byte cmd, byte data1, byte data2 )




